
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Disip est an international group of Christians from various nations, cultures, languages, ages, and backgrounds. We all have a beautiful conversion to Christ story to share with you wherever you are! Some of us have already shared our stories of life transformation through receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior on Disip FaceBook page. Other members are getting ready to share with you, dear friend, at any time in the coming future. Please tune in!

We do not know how many of our friends all over the world have already been touched by our sharing to date, but we do rejoice in the fact that Our Lord God Almighty knows exactly! Disip will continue to share freely the love of God which we have received freely from Him, Our Loving Gracious God. Maybe someday, some friends in the world will let us know that they have been blessed by Disip and have decided to follow Christ as Lord and Savior. He is indeed the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can go to the Father and to Heaven except through Him. This is what God’s Holy Word, the Bible declares in the Gospel (which means Good News) of John, chapter 14, verse 6. In fact, this is my own personal life breakthrough verse which I have gladly shared already on Disip for you, dear friend.

Friend, if you are that one who has been blessed by Disip and want to let us know that you have indeed tasted and seen that the Lord is indeed good (Psalm 34:8), you are most welcome to join us in Disip and share your wonderful testimony. This will allow us to rejoice with you and to praise and thank Our Lord God on your behalf. Thank you beforehand, dear friend!


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