
Monday, October 27, 2014

Genesis 8

 -The same God who judges also saves mercifully and graciously. He saved the righteous Noah and his family when destruction and death was all around. God has His way of saving the just in the midst of calamities! Just one person (Noah) who obeys God faithfully can make a whole world of difference for himself, his family, and his world. What a life lesson for us! May we always personally obey God no matter what, where, and when. Noah did and he was eternally rewarded. So shall we IF we obey God faithfully in any circumstance. (V 1-19)

-After Noah was safe on land again, he was so grateful and thankful to God that he built an altar to Him and offered animal sacrifices unto God. God was pleased with Noah's heart attitude and was so touched that He decided never to repeat this same kind of universal judgment through a Great Flood like this over humankind again. And so is it to this day. (V 20-22)

Let's always be mindful of the Almighty One and His absolute sovereignty over us and everything else! Let's never rebel against Him. Let's trust and obey Him always and forever for our own good and blessing, and for His honor and glory.

Genesis 7

-God would save only one family because Noah, the head of this family was found righteous as He walked genuinely with the Lord God. (V 1-5)
-Noah was six hundred years old when this cataclysmic event occurred as God's Judgment over wicked evil immoral sinful humankind worldwide. (V 6). None of us is too old to serve the Lord and be used mightily by Him!  
-So as Noah obeyed God's detailed instructions, his family of eight persons, and a few representatives of each of the other creatures were saved inside the Ark and God Himself then shut the Ark. (V 7-16)

- All flesh upon the earth perished. What a mighty demonstration of the Almighty's sovereign power! He can create from nothing as well as blot out every living thing that was upon the face of the earth. (V 17-24)

Who can dare to provoke our Creator God? His holy wrath is so powerful!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Genesis 6

Genesis 6
In Genesis 6, we see the corruption of humankind to the point that the Creator God decided to annihilate mankind totally. (V 1-7)

Fortunately, one righteous man found favor in God's eyes-Noah. He and his family were saved from a great flood through an ark that Noah built according to God's exact instructions. (V 8-22)

The lesson we have learned from Genesis 1 to Genesis 6 is that we must always live a life of obedience to Our Creator God. Obedience to God brings its rewards-God's blessings and everlasting eternal abundant life and Heaven. Disobedience to God brings its inevitable consequences-God's curses and eventual death and Hell.

May we always choose to obey God no matter what, where, and when!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Genesis 5

The Sin of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 brought the downfall of Man with death accompanying it. They died spiritually immediately and physically later. 

Seth was born when Adam was one hundred and thirty years old. He then lived eight hundred more years dying at nine hundred and thirty years (V 1-5).

Seth would bear Enosh. Generation after generation would follow (V 6- 18).  Then Enoch would be born. He walked with God so closely that at three hundred and sixty-five years old, he was taken up by God (he did not die) (V 19-24).

More generations followed until Noah was born (V 25-31).

At five hundred years old, Noah was the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth (V 32).

Thus was the line of Seth.

Genesis 4

 After the Fall of Adam and Eve, their first child, their son Cain will commit murder over his younger brother Abel due to jealousy. Abel pleased the Lord while Cain displeased Him. Abel obeyed God and did things according to the way required by the Lord. Cain did not honor the Lord but did things according to his own convenience, not according to God's instructions (V 1-8).

The Lord confronted Cain after his crime. God pronounced a curse over him but He mercifully protected Cain's life too (V 9-15). Note that all Cain's descendants will later be wiped out during the Great Flood in Noah's time (Genesis 7). Noah descended from Seth, a new son born to Adam and Eve (V 25).

Later, Cain's descendant Lamech will commit bigamy and would also become a killer of man (V 16-24).

Adam and Eve would bear another son, Seth. He would in turn bear a son named Enosh. Then this generation would begin to seek God finally after all the rebellion and sinning of their forefathers 'generations. (V 25-26).

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Genesis 3

Genesis 3

-Satan, through the serpent, deceived Eve and she fell into sin. Then she and Adam both sinned against God. What a tragedy for all humankind! (V 1-7)

Instead of confessing and repenting before God, Adam blamed Eve and God. Eve admitted having been deceived by Satan (V8-13).

-The Lord God pronounced His curse over the serpent and Satan, and prophesied his defeat by the Son of Man (Prophecy of the coming of the Messiah?) (V 14-15)

-To the Woman, God pronounced pain in childbirth and bringing forth children. She shall be ruled over by her husband. (V 16)

-God cursed the ground because of Adam’s disobedience. (V 17-19)

-All of us have Eve as our common mother. (V 20)

-No more will Humankind be living in the pure state of innocent nakedness. Human clothing introduced. (V 21)

- In His mercy, God sent Man out from the Garden of Eden. Otherwise, Man would live eternally in the fallen state (V 22-24). God has a better plan of Salvation for His human creatures!