
Monday, October 27, 2014

Genesis 8

 -The same God who judges also saves mercifully and graciously. He saved the righteous Noah and his family when destruction and death was all around. God has His way of saving the just in the midst of calamities! Just one person (Noah) who obeys God faithfully can make a whole world of difference for himself, his family, and his world. What a life lesson for us! May we always personally obey God no matter what, where, and when. Noah did and he was eternally rewarded. So shall we IF we obey God faithfully in any circumstance. (V 1-19)

-After Noah was safe on land again, he was so grateful and thankful to God that he built an altar to Him and offered animal sacrifices unto God. God was pleased with Noah's heart attitude and was so touched that He decided never to repeat this same kind of universal judgment through a Great Flood like this over humankind again. And so is it to this day. (V 20-22)

Let's always be mindful of the Almighty One and His absolute sovereignty over us and everything else! Let's never rebel against Him. Let's trust and obey Him always and forever for our own good and blessing, and for His honor and glory.

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