
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Pros and cons of Congregationalism

Baptists are congregationalists. Congregationalism is a pure democracy, that is, government by the people under the absolute Lordship of their King of kings Jesus Christ, of God Himself.

The pros and cons of congregationalism are:


1. Congregationalism is scriptural. (Matt 20:25-26; 1 Pet 5:3)
2. Discourages centralization.


1. If members are not faithfully walking closely with the Lord, congregationalism may breed strife, confusion, and division.
2. The majority is usually right in decision-making if they are walking closely with the Lord. However, if they fail to obey God in their daily personal walk, the vote of the majority in the church matters may not be the good will of the Lord. The church may eventually be led astray, if they do not get back on track promptly.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ways churches can support missions

Thank God for women like Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong who were mighty instruments of God to raise most significant support for missions so that today we have an IMB and a NAMB which are financially prosperous. Ten ways our churches can continue to grow support of missions are by:

-Regular exegesis and exposition of God's Great Commission.

-Regular teaching on "Giving".
-Promoting the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program.
-Prayer and intercession for missions.
-Organization of mission trips.
-Organization of Mission Day or Week or Month.
-Testimonies and sharing by visiting missionaries.
-Testimonies of those who have been on short mission trips.
-Promotion of literature and films on missions.
-Seminars and Training courses on missions.

The Southern Baptist Cooperative Program is a good program that can help called disciples of Christ to study at seminary level. Without the Cooperative program such chosen vessels of God would have to struggle and stress themselves to earn enough to pay for their expenses as seminary students preparing themselves for God's missions. The fees are costly and without enough support provided by the Cooperative program, some students might have to quit or postpone their studies which is sad.

May God touch the hearts of His people to give faithfully towards the Cooperative Program and missions. Thanks and blessings to all faithful donors towards the Cooperative Program.

I may add that churches can also make use of technology (websites, blogs, emails, Skype...) to communicate with others and grow support for missions too.

May our Lord raise up a great army of missionaries for the advancement of His Kingdom unto His eternal Glory! Amen.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Baptist Convention Model v/s Society Model

Convention Model

It is composed of cooperating churches whose purpose is to support foreign missions, home missions, publications, and theological education. It is a centralized denomination system with a trustful attitude among the churches serving together. 

The pros are:
-Elimination of duplication effort.
-Elimination of duplication of many organized societies.
-Provides opportunity for a centralized budget.
-A way of affirming that God’s primary instrument for accomplishing His Mission in the world is the local church, not just individuals.
-Synergy manifestation: Churches working together manifest that they are all members of the same One Body of Christ, smaller churches being helped by larger ones.

The cons are:
-Tension may occur over churches vying for which ministry is most important.
-Can decrease or reduce the sense of individual participation.

Society Model

 It practices an Individual-based approach with a Single ministry focus. It is composed of individuals or churches who support one particular ministry.

-Simpler, less involved denominational structure
-Clearer focus and a committed supporting membership, defined by participation.
-Easier to raise support for one particular visible ministry than for a whole lot of ministries under a generic name (Convention model).

-May de-emphasize the role and centrality of the local church.
-May elevate sensational ministries at the expense of more important ministries.

Baptists would enjoy the advantages of both systems if they can have a system of convention composed of societies, if possible.

Love in the Truth!

Landmarkism and Ecumenism are two opposite extremes. The former is overstrict while the latter is overlenient. Landmarkism is too literalistic in its Bible interpretation whereas Ecumenism is over liberal. The former believes that no one will go to Heaven except themselves. The latter believes that everyone will go to Heaven, even those who openly reject Christ and God. My conviction is the right biblical stand is an optimal point in between Landmarkism and Ecumenism. And I think that the Baptist Confession is around that optimal area. More importantly though, Baptists must live out their confession genuinely throughout.

The extent of working alongside or doing ministry with churches of different confessions than the Baptist Confession depends on the extent of the difference:

In Essentials, Unity
In Non-Essentials, Liberty
In All things, Charity

Charity is agape love which covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet 4:8). Love of God (Matt 22:37-38) and others (Matt 5:43-48; 7:12; 22:39) must always prevail in any and every circumstance. Of all christian doctrines, the Commandment of Love is one of the greatest, if not the greatest 'practical doctrine'. 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us of the primordial position of agape love in christian living. Let's uphold the Truth of our Baptist Confession absolutely in Love! (ICor13:6).

Let's always Love in the Truth!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Local Church Fund-raising

Local church fund-raising has both pros and cons. The pros of local church fund-raising are:

1. A means or opportunity of applying the Word of God which teaches about Giving. (2 Cor 9:7-10)
2. A way of raising funds for the poor and needy. (Prov 28:27)
3. A way to provide to the needs of the full-time ministers of the Word.(1 Tim 5:17-18)
4. An opportunity to exercise the gift of giving. (Rom 12:8)
5. A way to provide for the needs of missions and missionaries as they execute the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20)

The cons of local church fund-raising are:

1. If the money is mismanaged and misused, the fund-raising would have caused more harm than good.

Appropriate way to do local church fund-raising:

1. It must be free-will offering not pressured. No manipulation. Giving must be out of a heart of love. (1 Cor 13:3)

2. It must be discreet, not a show or show-off. (Matt 6:1-4)

The Southern Baptist Cooperative Program is a most appropriate way to raise fund towards the execution of the Great Commission. This Program inculcates among Baptists, the spirit of:

-Cooperation and Unity
-Loving and Giving to others
-Blessing God and others
-Association and inter-church fellowship.

The Cooperative Program also alleviates the stress of IMB missionaries having to raise their own financial support like in some other missionary-sending agencies. And Baptist seminary students certainly benefit from the Cooperative Program which allows them to pursue their theological studies. 

May God guide local church fund-raising unto His Glory!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Always obey God first!

The same chapter 13 of the Book of Romans which speaks of submission to Government/State in its first part concludes with the following:

"So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh." NIV

Thus, we are not to commit immorality and sins.

If the Government/State issues a law that tells us to celebrate sexual immorality, how can we do so without disobeying God and His Word? We must obey God before obeying Man.

Furthermore, this same chapter of Romans 13 also teaches us to love one another :

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. NIV

Love does not delight in evil but delights in the Truth (1 Cor 13:6). If the Government or State rejects the Truth and issues a law that tells us to delight in evil or iniquity, how can we do so? Our conscience would not allow us.

When we have no other choice but to obey God first before anyone else including Government/State. We are to submit to the Government/State as long as it does not rebel against our King of kings, the Almighty Creator God. If our Government/State decides to knowingly defy and rebel against the Lord God and His Holy Word, we have to rebel* and choose and honor Our God more than ever faithfully even unto death. So, help us, God. Amen.

* By Christian "rebellion", we do not mean the violent way that the world does it but doing it like in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament (Dan 3:16-18;6:10) and like Peter and John in the New Testament (Acts 4:19-20). This is the kind of stand that honors and glorifies God.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Christian Mission and Christ's New Commandment

The Christian Mission is the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:16-20). Besides, baptizing the new believers, Christians are to teach them to observe all things that Christ has commanded His disciples. 

A New Commandment of Love (John 13:34-35) was what Jesus gave to His disciples on His Last Supper with His twelve disciples on the eve of His Crucifixion. On this most solemn occasion Christ demonstrated to His disciples how much He loved them through humbling Himself washing and drying their dirty feet (John 13:1-17). Right afterwards, the Lord told them that He has set an example for them to follow (John 13: 12-17). He commanded them to love one another sacrificially even unto death, if necessary (John 15:12-17). 

Therefore, loving one another sacrificially even unto death is what Christians have to exemplify and to teach new disciples to observe and obey.  Our Christian mission is to make disciples, that is people who love one another sacrificially even unto death.