
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Friends, let's take heed!

The Haiti earthquake has shocked the whole world but not Our God. Nothing takes Our God by surprise. He knew everything beforehand. He is omniscient. We are to learn whatever lessons we can learn from this great tragedy that occurred a few days ago. May we sympathize and empathize with and pray for all the victims' families and loved ones.

The lessons that we have been reminded of are the following, among others:

-Human life is fragile. It’s like a mist or vapor. It can disappear suddenly, overnight (James 4:14).

-We must make sure we are ready to die anytime, to enter eternity at any moment, to face Our God at a moment notice (Hebrews 9:27).

-It is absolutely vital to be born again in Jesus Christ to ensure our eternal security, our place in Heaven throughout eternity (John 3:3, 7).

Let us plead with you to make sure that you’ve repented of your sins and received Jesus Christ as Your personal Lord and Savior (John 3:16).

For those of us who are already in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, may we actively share His Good news of the Gospel to others while we still can, before it is too late. (John 3:16; 14:6)

Thank you. God loves you. So do we.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

May 2010 be...

January 02, 2010

Dear God,

We pray that Your Name be always glorified and blessed in our midst. O Lord God, may the year 2010 be a year when we, Your people, wherever we are:

-live out the agape life that You desire us to live out
-stand boldly and faithfully for Your absolute truths
-share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ 
-excel in our various duties and responsibilities
-trust and obey You, no matter what, where, and when
-pray, study Your Word, fellowship and reach out to others
-stay united in Your Truth and Love
-show thankfulness and gratitude to You and towards each other
-remind ourselves that we are just passing by upon earth and are on our way towards eternity in Heaven
-bless one another
-enjoy God’s divine presence, provision and protection
-experience divine health, wisdom, anointing, favor and prosperity

Praise, honor, and glory be unto You, O God. In Jesus Name, Amen.