
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Our One True Creator God expects from us

Our only true God of the universe expects us to believe His Word, the Bible absolutely and obey it and practice it, that is, to live it out.

To believe in the Bible is to believe that God is a Triune God, the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. To believe in God is to please Him, to follow Him, and not to grieve Him. To believe in God is to obey His commandments. His commandments are summed up in loving (agape) Him and others.

To live the agape life means to forgive one another and to bless one another. agape living implies praying for one another in the Name of Jesus Christ. agape rejects all evil, does good only. agape rejects lies, hypocrisy, and deception but rejoices in the Truth, Joy, and Peace.

agape living is sacrificial unconditional loving. It is loving everyone, including enemies like Jesus Christ demonstrated and manifested Himself. Besides the supreme example of Our Lord and Savior who personified agape, a beautiful illustration given by Christ Jesus Himself is the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

The Good Samaritan stopped out of his way to help, to bring support and healing. He gave of himself and his belongings to even a stranger. He really cared. He did not follow the crowd. He did not follow bad examples. He acted by faith in God. He stooped down and humbled himself to minister to the needy. He saved a precious life. He was a blessing to others. He was indeed Christlike and godly.

Let us be good Samaritans to one another and thus glorify Our majestic God as we live the resurrected life in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior! Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A tous zenfants Bon Dié

Alléluia, frères et soeurs,
Bonne fête de La Résurrection!

Couma zot connait
Dimanche nou pé célébrer Jésus so Résurrection
Eleve nou louanges vers Li
Faire nou la prière d'adoration a Bon Dié
Grace a Li noune gagne la vie éternelle ek abondante

Hola Hola!
Ine l'heure pou nou proclame La Bonne Nouvelle partout
Jour après jour
Kot l'endroits qui pencore entendre la Bonne Nouvelle de Jésus
Li meme La Resurrection ek La Vie

Munis avec So La Parole
Nou propage L'Evangile de Jésus Christ

O frères et soeurs,

Prier, intercéder, partager pour la gloire de Jésus Christ
Qui Le Chemin, La Vérité, ek La Vie

Réjouir nous en Lui
Sans Li, personne pas capave alle au Père dans Le Ciel
Tout pouvoir ek autorité dans so la main
Unir nous en Christ
Vers l'avenir en Christ

Wouais, Alleluia, Gloire a Dieu
Xprime nou la paix, la joie, l'amour, ek la victoire en Christ

Zenfants Bon Dié, Joyeuses Paques!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A-Z pour Jésus Christ qui revient bientôt

Allons, frères et soeurs
Bientôt Jésus reviendra
Comptons sur Ses promesses
Doutons point
Emmanuel est avec nous

Faisons-Lui confiance
Gardons La Foi
Hâtons nous de partager Sa Bonne Nouvelle
Il est La Résurrection et La Vie
Jésus Christ est Le Chemin, La Vérité et La Vie
King of kings, disons-nous en Anglais
Le Roi des rois

Manifestons notre reconnaissance, gratitude, et obéissance
Nous, les élus de Notre Dieu Souverain
Ouvrons nos coeurs à Son appel
Pratiquons Sa Parole
Quittons tout mal et péché
Résistons toute tentation et le diable

Soyons les vrais disciples de Jésus Christ
Tournons nos regards vers l'avenir en Lui
Unissons-nous en Lui
Véritable Dieu Eternel et Tout-Puissant

Wouais, Il est vivant!
Xclamons la joie du Seigneur en nous
Zélés en lui pour toujours!

Resurrection of Our Lord!

All over the world
Black, Brown, Yellow and White children of God
Cry on Crucifixion Day
Downcast in our hearts
Expressing sorrow and mourning

Finally, on the Third Day
God resurrected Our Lord
He is risen! He is alive!
Immortal is He forevermore
Jesus Christ Our Savior

King of kings
Lord of lords
Majestic is He
No one can go to the Father without Him
O Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Prince of Peace is He

Quit mourning, Brother and Sister
Rejoice now
Salvation has come to us
Tell it to the whole world
United in Christ, Forward we run

Visualizing Heaven ahead
With God together forever
Xtraordinary bliss and felicity throughout eternity
Yes, this is our blessed destiny
Zoom in with zeal and zest!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Good News!

He was born of a virgin. He grew up in favor with God and man. He lived a life of being and doing good only. He was holy, righteous, humble, wise, loving and compassionate. He was murdered as the vilest criminal on a cross. This happened some two thousand years ago in Israel.

On the third day after his crucifixion, He rose again. Yes, He was resurrected and is alive. After being seen by His followers for a period of forty days, He ascended into Heaven, where He is now. He will return back some day in glory. He is Jesus Christ! He is Our Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins and eternal condemnation in Hell. He has set us free to believe in Him and receive freely the eternal abundant life and spend eternity in Heaven thereafter. Isn’t this Good News for one and all? Yes, sure, it is.

While looking forward to Christ’s Second Coming, we are to share the Good News of the Gospel to all the lost ones. We are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything He has commanded us. Jesus Christ has promised that He will be with us always, through His Spirit, to the end of the age. (Ref: Matthew 28:18-20)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Joyeux Jour de La Résurrection!

Jeunes et vieux du monde entier,
Oui, Jésus Christ est ressuscité et vivant!
Y-a-t'il quelqu'un qui ne le sait pas encore?
Exclamons La Bonne Nouvelle de l'Evangile de Notre Seigneur
Unissons nous en Notre Seigneur et Sauveur
Xclamons Sa Paix, Sa Joie, et Son Amour partout

Jésus Christ est La Résurrection et La Vie (Jean 11:25)
Ouvrons notre coeur pour Le recevoir
Unis en Lui

Déclarons le message du salut en Christ
Élevons Son Saint Nom ensemble et partout

Levons-nous et proclamons Sa Bonne Nouvelle
Allons faire des disciples de toutes les nations

Réjouissons-nous en Lui
Exclamons Sa Paix, Sa Joie, et Son Amour partout
Seigneur Jésus est Le Vrai Dieu
Unissons-nous en Lui
Rejetons toute fausseté
Rejetons tout péché
Evangelisons le monde entier
Christ est ressuscité et vivant!
Tout genou fléchira et toute langue confessera,
Il est seigneur
O oui, bienaimé, Il est Le Chemin, La Vérité, et La Vie (Jean 14:6)
Nul ne vient au Père que par Lui, Le Ressuscité

Happy Resurrection Day!

He is risen and alive
Awesome Christ
Powerful Savior
Praise Him
Yes, celebrate Jesus

Rise up!
Exclaim His victory
So decisive
Upon sin, death, and Hell
Rejoice, yes
Rejoice in Christ, Our Lord
Exclaim His Good News
Christ Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
Tell the world
In Christ, we have eternal life
O Come, let us adore Our Lord
No one can go to the Father except through Him

Dear ones, proclaim
Around the world that
Yes, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! (John 14:6)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Definition of a Christian

Is it clear for you, friend, who is a real true Christian?

So many different answers do we hear
How can we define it simply?
It is not captured in our hearts
Unless God helps us
Not everyone got it although
God revealed it in His Word

Yes, it is there in the New Testament
Easy to define
Easy to understand

A Christian is simply a slave of Jesus Christ
Made to obey HIM

All the time

Such was Apostle Paul and other disciples of Christ
Let us be faithful slaves of Our Lord
All the rest of our lives
Vow it and be it
Express it daily.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
Forever be glorified!

Consecrated let us be
His are we forever
Respect and revere Our Lord
In Christ we are truly free
Slave of Christ is the most blessed life ever
Taste and see for yourself

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life
Except through Him, none can go to the Father and to Heaven
Such is the Gospel message
Unless we are born again in Christ Jesus, we cannot inherit eternal life
Slave of Jesus Christ- this is a true genuine Christian!