
Monday, April 4, 2011

Definition of a Christian

Is it clear for you, friend, who is a real true Christian?

So many different answers do we hear
How can we define it simply?
It is not captured in our hearts
Unless God helps us
Not everyone got it although
God revealed it in His Word

Yes, it is there in the New Testament
Easy to define
Easy to understand

A Christian is simply a slave of Jesus Christ
Made to obey HIM

All the time

Such was Apostle Paul and other disciples of Christ
Let us be faithful slaves of Our Lord
All the rest of our lives
Vow it and be it
Express it daily.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
Forever be glorified!

Consecrated let us be
His are we forever
Respect and revere Our Lord
In Christ we are truly free
Slave of Christ is the most blessed life ever
Taste and see for yourself

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life
Except through Him, none can go to the Father and to Heaven
Such is the Gospel message
Unless we are born again in Christ Jesus, we cannot inherit eternal life
Slave of Jesus Christ- this is a true genuine Christian!

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