
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Our One True Creator God expects from us

Our only true God of the universe expects us to believe His Word, the Bible absolutely and obey it and practice it, that is, to live it out.

To believe in the Bible is to believe that God is a Triune God, the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. To believe in God is to please Him, to follow Him, and not to grieve Him. To believe in God is to obey His commandments. His commandments are summed up in loving (agape) Him and others.

To live the agape life means to forgive one another and to bless one another. agape living implies praying for one another in the Name of Jesus Christ. agape rejects all evil, does good only. agape rejects lies, hypocrisy, and deception but rejoices in the Truth, Joy, and Peace.

agape living is sacrificial unconditional loving. It is loving everyone, including enemies like Jesus Christ demonstrated and manifested Himself. Besides the supreme example of Our Lord and Savior who personified agape, a beautiful illustration given by Christ Jesus Himself is the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

The Good Samaritan stopped out of his way to help, to bring support and healing. He gave of himself and his belongings to even a stranger. He really cared. He did not follow the crowd. He did not follow bad examples. He acted by faith in God. He stooped down and humbled himself to minister to the needy. He saved a precious life. He was a blessing to others. He was indeed Christlike and godly.

Let us be good Samaritans to one another and thus glorify Our majestic God as we live the resurrected life in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior! Amen.

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