
Friday, April 15, 2011

The Good News!

He was born of a virgin. He grew up in favor with God and man. He lived a life of being and doing good only. He was holy, righteous, humble, wise, loving and compassionate. He was murdered as the vilest criminal on a cross. This happened some two thousand years ago in Israel.

On the third day after his crucifixion, He rose again. Yes, He was resurrected and is alive. After being seen by His followers for a period of forty days, He ascended into Heaven, where He is now. He will return back some day in glory. He is Jesus Christ! He is Our Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins and eternal condemnation in Hell. He has set us free to believe in Him and receive freely the eternal abundant life and spend eternity in Heaven thereafter. Isn’t this Good News for one and all? Yes, sure, it is.

While looking forward to Christ’s Second Coming, we are to share the Good News of the Gospel to all the lost ones. We are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything He has commanded us. Jesus Christ has promised that He will be with us always, through His Spirit, to the end of the age. (Ref: Matthew 28:18-20)

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