Christianity is more than most reasonable: It is Amazing Grace!
I am encouraged by Locke's "Discourse on Miracles" as
it encourages me in my Christian Faith. He demonstrated convincingly
that Christianity is the most reasonable of all religions. So, we do
not have to seek elsewhere. We can now confidently focus on the
Christian religion and not be tempted or distracted by other religions.
We can therefore focus on growing in the knowledge of this most
reasonable religion of all.
How? Through the Holy Scriptures-the
Bible. As we do so, we will experience that this most reasonable or
logical religion will open doors of great blessings through not
reason/logic alone now but also through revelations unto us who exercise
faith in Christ, who love God and are called according to His purpose
(I Cor 2:9). After Reason has been satisfied, our Faith is enhanced to
accept and believe the parts that we do not understand logically in
God's Word. As we exercise Faith, we receive more revelation which will
lead to further understanding and blessings. It just goes on and on as a
virtuous circle or cycle:
More faith leads to more revelation, leading to more understanding, leading to more blessings, leading to more faith, and the cycle keeps building up- more revelation, more understanding, more blessings leading to even more faith...till the
day we are called into His eternal glory, bliss, and felicity in Heaven!
This is just amazing grace that the Son of God chooses to humble Himself that much through His Incarnation-becoming the Son of Man and let Himself be cruelly and unjustly crucified to save us, you and me freely from our sins unto eternal abundant life and Heaven. praise, honor, and glory to the Almighty One!
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