
Friday, August 9, 2013

Who should we admire?

First of all, we are to love, worship and adore the Triune God, the Holy Trinity: Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit now and forever. He is the God of the Holy Bible.

Secondly, we are to admire God's true followers- all those who truly love, worship and adore God. They are those brethren and servants of God who will stay faithful to God and His Holy Word. They will not compromise with the devil. They will stick to the pure Word of God without any adulteration. They will be careful and cautious not to receive any false doctrine but they will themselves always try to teach the whole truth of the Word without any compromise. They will be bold and courageous to do so anywhere. May God bless them all.

May God's special blessings be upon the martyrs of God!

Dear Brothers and Sisters who suffer persecution, remember that Our God will not forget to reward you most abundantly in due time. Keep strong in Him; persevere patiently. Never yield to the evil one and any of his temptations. Hold firm. We thank God for you!

Eventual complete restoration in Christ Jesus will occur in Our God's perfect time according to His Sovereign Plan. Praise The Lord! Hallelujah!

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