
Sunday, August 18, 2013

What is the Gospel?

First, let us say that the Gospel is not that complicated. Before we state what we understand the Gospel IS, let us say what the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT about:

It is not about

-Acquiring material wealth and riches
-Bible knowledge
-Doctrines or Do's and Don'ts
-Elevating oneself
-Fun, fun, and more fun
-Gratification of one's flesh
-Health and Prosperity
-Idols and images
-Judging others
-Killing sinners
-Mass gatherings
-Name and Fame
-Orders and rituals
-Quizzes and knowledge
-Religious rites
-Self-aggrandizement and elevation
-Theology and theses
-Universalism and blind tolerance
-Views and preferences
-Wonders and Wealth
-Xclusion and Isolation
-You and yours

Now, let us summarize our understanding of the Gospel. It is simply the GOOD NEWS that

JESUS CHRIST who is God made flesh, born of the virgin Mary, lived on earth 2000 years ago. He was crucified for you and me, for our sins. He rose again on the Third Day, appeared to His disciples, ascended into Heaven, sent down the Holy Spirit to His disciples. He will come again for His followers, His Church.

To become a follower of Christ, a Christian, one must be called by God. The person will then find himself or herself repenting, believing and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He/She must then decide to obey and follow Christ for the rest of his/her life.

To follow Christ means simply to choose always to LOVE GOD AND ONE ANOTHER EVEN SACRIFICIALLY UNTO DEATH, IF NECESSARY.

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