I understand that to live a true Christian lifestyle is more about character than anything else. It is certainly not about showmanship. I don't think that the more a Christian appears on the media and is more popular, the more Christian he or she is. And I don't think that the materially richer Christian is a better Christian than the less wealthy one. It is not a matter of money or fame or signs and wonders, of spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues, etc... I believe it is more about the beauty of CHARACTER, that is qualities and virtues like:
Holiness, humility, agape love, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, gentleness, respectfulness, righteousness, purity, morality, faithfulness, compassion, mercy, grace, fidelity, understanding, meekness, wisdom, faith, submission, obedience, discipline, diligence, excellence, peace, joy, unity and harmony.
Yes, it is being a truly godly character that counts. It is about bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23; I Corinthians 13:4-8) wherever you are - home, workplace, church, malls, in any public place, in fact, everywhere to the praise, honor and glory of Our Almighty God. Yes, I would say the more Christlike you are in your character, the more Christian you are. And blessed are you! Truly blessed! Amen.
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