
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Be Saved before it's too late!

Here is my understanding of the True Biblical Gospel:

We are all condemned to Hell IF we do not repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Son of God come in the flesh, crucified on the Cross for our sins, rose again in bodily form on the Third Day, ascended to Heaven, and is coming back.

If we do repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior AND obey His Word throughout our lives, we will be received into Heaven by Our God.

The choice is really ours to make.

Be aware that in this fallen world, there are definitely all kinds of temptations, evil spirits, and forces of darkness that will try all they can to dissuade someone to make the right choice of becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.

However, those who did make the right choice of calling upon the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy and grace can testify to the beauty and wonders of their salvation in Christ leading them to eternal abundant life culminating in Heaven throughout eternity.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Way, and the Truth, and the Life

Jesus Christ declared in John 14:6 that He is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life...

He is the Way to

-Father God
-True Freedom
-True Happiness
-The Truth and
-The Eternal Abundant Life!
-Everlasting Bliss and Felicity

He Himself said that the truth will set us free (John 8:32), And He is The Truth Himself!

If we truly walk faithfully with Jesus Christ as Our Lord, He will set us free from

-Evil spirits
-Desires of the flesh
-Death and

O! What a Savior we have!

The Lord Jesus Christ also declared that He is the Resurrection and the Life! (John 11:25). He raised others, like Lazarus, from death and He Himself rose from death on the third Day after His Crucifixion! Death cannot hold Him. He is indeed LIFE!

In Christ Jesus, Our Lord, we inherit His eternal abundant life. O Hallelujah! The New Life that He gives us is a life of


O yes, what a blessed life we enjoy in Jesus the Christ!

He is the Only One who can truly fulfill our inner heart's longings and dreams forever and ever! Amen.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

What happens when you get born again?

In John 3:3 and 3:7, Jesus said to Nicodemus that he must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. To be born again is to repent of one's heart attitude of self-centeredness and to call upon, that is, to pray to God, to confess one's sins, and to invite Jesus Christ into one's heart as Lord and Savior. It is to decide to revere and obey God throughout one's life.

What happens inside the person who is born again?

The person becomes a totally new creation. The old has passed away and the new has come (II Corinthians 5:17). He or she has got a total transformation inside out. It is a literally new birth, not physically, but spiritually.

The born-again individual is a new Christian. He has now got new

-Family: God's Family
-Brothers and sisters-in-Christ
-Destination and Destiny: Heaven
-Goal and purpose in his or her earthly life: to make disciples of Christ of all nations and people groups
-Interests: to please, obey, love and honor God; to love others

What a blessing to be born again in Christ Jesus, the Lord!

Monday, August 19, 2013

To my nephews, nieces, and students

You were born one day. You grew up. Before you have completed your life on earth, you need to find the correct answers to the following questions if you want to live in accordance to God's Plan and Purpose for you:

Who am I?
Who is God?
What does He want me to be and to do?

All the answers are found in God's Word, the Bible. So, you must read it to obey and apply it. Then, you will be truly prosperous and successful wherever you are (Joshua 1:7-8).

I can testify that this is indeed my story and testimony. As I grew up, I had asked myself all these above questions. And Thank God, He helped me through the right circumstances, people, and resources to find Him and to taste how good He is. I was lost and found, was blind and saw. Yes, My God saved me from death and Hell unto eternal abundant life and Heaven through My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Praise Him now and forevermore. Amen. Glory to God.

You can be saved too if you are not yet, by trusting in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died for your sins on the cross and rose again on the Third Day. He is alive now and will come back again some day for His disciples (John 3:16; 14:6; Rev 22;12, 20)

God bless you, dear ones!

What is to live a true Christian lifestyle?

I understand that to live a true Christian lifestyle is more about character than anything else. It is certainly not about showmanship. I don't think that the more a Christian appears on the media and is more popular, the more Christian he or she is. And I don't think that the materially richer Christian is a better Christian than the less wealthy one. It is not a matter of money or fame or signs and wonders, of spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues, etc... I believe it is more about the beauty of CHARACTER, that is qualities and virtues like:

Holiness, humility, agape love, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, gentleness, respectfulness, righteousness, purity, morality, faithfulness, compassion, mercy, grace, fidelity, understanding, meekness, wisdom, faith, submission, obedience, discipline, diligence, excellence, peace, joy, unity and harmony.

Yes, it is being a truly godly character that counts. It is about bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23; I Corinthians 13:4-8) wherever you are - home, workplace, church, malls, in any public place, in fact, everywhere to the praise, honor and glory of Our Almighty God. Yes, I would say the more Christlike you are in your character, the more Christian you are. And blessed are you! Truly blessed! Amen.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What is the Gospel?

First, let us say that the Gospel is not that complicated. Before we state what we understand the Gospel IS, let us say what the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT about:

It is not about

-Acquiring material wealth and riches
-Bible knowledge
-Doctrines or Do's and Don'ts
-Elevating oneself
-Fun, fun, and more fun
-Gratification of one's flesh
-Health and Prosperity
-Idols and images
-Judging others
-Killing sinners
-Mass gatherings
-Name and Fame
-Orders and rituals
-Quizzes and knowledge
-Religious rites
-Self-aggrandizement and elevation
-Theology and theses
-Universalism and blind tolerance
-Views and preferences
-Wonders and Wealth
-Xclusion and Isolation
-You and yours

Now, let us summarize our understanding of the Gospel. It is simply the GOOD NEWS that

JESUS CHRIST who is God made flesh, born of the virgin Mary, lived on earth 2000 years ago. He was crucified for you and me, for our sins. He rose again on the Third Day, appeared to His disciples, ascended into Heaven, sent down the Holy Spirit to His disciples. He will come again for His followers, His Church.

To become a follower of Christ, a Christian, one must be called by God. The person will then find himself or herself repenting, believing and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He/She must then decide to obey and follow Christ for the rest of his/her life.

To follow Christ means simply to choose always to LOVE GOD AND ONE ANOTHER EVEN SACRIFICIALLY UNTO DEATH, IF NECESSARY.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Who should we admire?

First of all, we are to love, worship and adore the Triune God, the Holy Trinity: Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit now and forever. He is the God of the Holy Bible.

Secondly, we are to admire God's true followers- all those who truly love, worship and adore God. They are those brethren and servants of God who will stay faithful to God and His Holy Word. They will not compromise with the devil. They will stick to the pure Word of God without any adulteration. They will be careful and cautious not to receive any false doctrine but they will themselves always try to teach the whole truth of the Word without any compromise. They will be bold and courageous to do so anywhere. May God bless them all.

May God's special blessings be upon the martyrs of God!

Dear Brothers and Sisters who suffer persecution, remember that Our God will not forget to reward you most abundantly in due time. Keep strong in Him; persevere patiently. Never yield to the evil one and any of his temptations. Hold firm. We thank God for you!

Eventual complete restoration in Christ Jesus will occur in Our God's perfect time according to His Sovereign Plan. Praise The Lord! Hallelujah!