
Sunday, December 25, 2011

O God!

O God!

Please have mercy upon all your persecutors and enemies.

Forgive them, O Lord God.

They know not what they do.

You did pray that prayer when they crucified You on the cross.

Thank You, O lord God for being so kind, so long-suffering, so gracious, and so forgiving.

You are truly AGAPE.

We love, adore and worship You now and forever and evermore as Our ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas 2011

Lord Jesus,

Thank You for coming down to save us from death and Hell.
Thank You for dying for us sacrificially on the Cross.
Thank You for paying our debts and set us free from Satan.
Thank You for blessing us with eternal abundant life and Heaven.

We praise and bless You, O Our Holy Almighty God.
We love, worship, and adore You.
You are forever our ONLY True God. Amen.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thank you, God for this blessed past year.
Thank You, Lord, for the abundant eternal life in Christ Jesus.
Thank You for Your Holy spirit indwelling us.

Thank You for all those who love and serve God faithfully. 

We are so glad that Our God is always in sovereign control of the world and beyond. 

We are so filled with gratitude for the wonderful future that God has in store for us. 

Thank You, God for preparing Heaven for us.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord now and forever and evermore!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 28, 2011

No matter what,...

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

No matter what we do, there will always be those who resist the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Even, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was Himself rejected when He was walking upon the earth some two thousand years ago.

So, let's stop ever thinking that everybody will come to Jesus Christ and receive Him as Lord and Savior. No, definitely, not everyone will become a follower of Jesus Christ. It is sad, but true.

Nevertheless, we must continue to believe in Christ, serve Him, and obey him as He leads and guides. This is our best and wisest choice in life. 

The Day will come when we will be transferred into His beautiful perfect paradise- Heaven. Then, we will see fully how it was worthwhile living for Our God instead of any other way.

May God bless you all, dear ones.

Your Brother

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We simply need God.

How can we be here without God, the Creator?

How can the world and universe come into being without God?

How can the Word of God come into being without God?

How can we have a historical Jesus Christ without God?

How can tragedies be turned into triumphs without God?

How can all things work out for our good without God?

How can we see again loved ones who passed away without God?

How can we be resurrected without God?

How can true justice be rendered to all without a Just God?

How can all wrongs be righted without an All-Powerful God?

No, no, no. There must be a God. Indeed there IS!

Let's praise, worship, and adore Him now and forever!

To God alone be all Glory, Praise, and Honor now and forever!

Amen and amen.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Our greatest non-physical need.

The most important physical need of a human being is air/food/ drink/clothing/shelter; their most important non-physical need is love (agape) and forgiveness.

We all need to be loved and forgiven of our sins. We have all fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). None of us are perfect. We all need God's mercy and grace. In fact, He did show us His mercy and grace. He died for us while we were still sinners. God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

If one is not forgiven of one's sins by God, he/she will suffer God's wrath and spend eternity in hell, according to God's Word. We all need to make sure that we have believed and received Jesus Christ in our hearts as He is the only way for us to be saved (John 14:6). There is no other way. There is no other Name by which we can be saved and rescued from Hell to Heaven. Jesus Christ Is Our Only Solution.

Let us not ignore and neglect this absolute truth. It is a matter of Life (eternal) or Death (eternal). Let us make the right decision before it is too late, before God's wrath is manifested to its full extent on Judgment Day. May God bless us!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fight the good fight of Faith (I Timothy 6:12)

Brothers and Sisters,

We got to fight the good fight of Faith. We got to. We must. We have no better choice. We cannot let people continue living in the lies of the devil. We cannot dishonor Our God by neglecting and ignoring His commandments. We are to point to the Truth.

This does not mean that we do not show love/agape. It does not mean that we reject all those who are wrong. They are victims of Satan themselves. We need to accept them as God accepts them in the love of Christ. Just like Our Lord did not reject the sinners but He clearly demanded that they sin no more (John 8:11). He clearly pointed them to the Absolute Truth . He did speak the Truth in Love. This is what we need to do as well.

We must accept and respect each other but we must never compromise the true Faith. We must always uphold the Truth of God and His Word. A math instructor has to teach the objective truth and facts of the subject, although he respects different wrong viewpoints of his students in math problem-solving. He keeps persevering patiently in doing this until they can see the light and voluntarily decide to change their wrong approach and make the necessary corrections.

This is the same in every area of life. We must uphold the absolute truths of God and His Word everywhere we are. We need to be engaged and committed to the Way, the truth, and the Life (John 14:6) wherever Our Lord has placed us individually.

Yes, we must fight the good fight of faith in love and unity, brother, sister, till death do us part. Remember, we are on the Victor's side- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Who can be against us when God is for us? Nothing shall separate us from Him and His love for us (Romans 8).

Friday, September 9, 2011


We are commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11 these days. We are hearing a lot of blessed testimonies of God's miracles. The Sovereign God has comforted and provided for and healed the wounded hearts of so many. He has made all things work out for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He has strengthened His children in America and the world over these past ten years. All praise, honor, and glory be to Our God now and forever and evermore.

Friday, September 2, 2011

We are content!

We may have been wronged or deceived or abused or victimized or robbed or assaulted or defeated or not received what we hoped for.

Nevertheless, we are content because we know that all things work together for our good as we, who are called according to God's purpose, continue to love Our Lord faithfully (Romans 8:28). God has not the good but the best for us as we wait patiently upon Him.

Praise You, O Lord!

Honor and Glory be to Our Holy Sovereign God now and forever and evermore. Amen.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What does being a Christian mean to us?

Being a Christian means everything to us.

Our born again experience in Christ set us totally free from the power of sin, Satan, and death unto eternal abundant life, and Heaven. This greatest deliverance by Our Savior Jesus Christ has filled the emptiness of our hearts with the Holy Spirit who causes us to bear the virtues and qualities of agape love, joy, peace, hope, wisdom, true knowledge, patience, perseverance, gentleness, kindness, humility, righteousness, truthfulness, integrity, compassion, and more. 

Becoming a follower of Christ satisfied all our needs and answered our questions about life and death, Heaven and Hell, life meaning and purpose. We found our true identity in Christ!

Our decision to believe in Jesus Christ has affected our whole life and outlook, our thoughts, desires, goals, ambitions, dreams, hopes, purpose and objectives. It also affects our character and personality. For example, we can truly forgive those who do not deserve it only because of being a Christian. And we can forgive ourselves truly again because of being a Christian. Our Christian faith affects our relationships, conduct and behavior, attitudes and demeanor, words and deeds, activities and travels, and giving and expenditures. Our Christian faith positively affects each and every aspect and compartment of our lives.

As Christians, we are motivated to do our very best in our jobs, duties, and responsibilities everyday wherever we are. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have something good to offer to others: the Good News of the Gospel, which the world desperately needs, and which is its only way of eternal salvation.

Yes, being Christians mean everything to us! It has positively affected our whole beings: spirit, heart, soul, and body. 

Praise, honor and glory to Our Lord God now and forever and ever. Amen.

Monday, June 6, 2011

CCF 60th anniversary

CCF brothers and sisters
Hope that you are all well and blessed
I am typing you from America
Nine years have gone since we parted
Extraordinary experience have we lived
So blessed and favored have we been
Excellent education and ministry are we in

Christian values are we upholding
He, Our God has carried us through all these years
Rejoice and praise Him with us
In His Name, we have been more than conquerors
Surely Goodness and Mercy have followed us
Truly Faithful Is Our God
Indeed we experienced Him
All these past years
Not one day have we gone without food or clothing or shelter

Faith in Our Lord has always kept us going
Exclaim His greatness with us
Let us be glad and rejoice in Him
Let us share His Good News of the Gospel to everyone
O brothers and sisters
We are indeed His blessed children
So Good that Father Jehovah Jireh is Our God
How gracious is He!
Immeasurable is His love and wisdom
Praise Him with us forevermore

O dear ones
Forsaking all sins to live in Christ is worth it absolutely

Make, mature and mobilize His disciples
According to His Great Commission and Commandments
Until He takes us to His Heaven
Remain our solemn duty on earth
Inspire and impart Christ-likeness unto others
Till our last breath
Is indeed right
United in Christ Jesus, let us stand firm against Satan
So be it! Amen!

Happy 60th anniversary to CCF!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Soixantième anniversaire de CCF

Chers frères et soeurs de CCF,
Honneur et gloire à Notre Dieu
Il est infiniment bon
Nous L'adorons jour et nuit
Exclamons Son Saint Nom
Saint, Saint, Saint
Est Notre Seigneur!

Christ Jésus est Le Même
Hier, aujourd'hui, et éternellement
Roi des rois
Il est Le Chemin, La Vérité, et La Vie
Sans Lui, nous ne pouvons aller au Père et au ciel
Témoignons aux autres pendant qu'il est encore temps
Ile Maurice entière, Que Dieu vous bénisse
Aimons-nous les uns les autres
Ne pratiquons point le mal envers notre prochain

Faisons honneur à Notre Dieu
Exaltons Son Saint Nom
Levons nos mains vers le ciel
Louons-Le de tout notre coeur
Obéissons La Parole de Dieu, La Bible
We/Nous, Chinese Christian Fellowship of Mauritius
Soyons tous unis en Jésus Christ, Lui qui était sur Terre comme
Homme/Dieu, envoyé du Ciel pour nous sauver de nos péchés
Il y a deux mille ans de cela
Proclamons tous cette bonne nouvelle de L'Evangile

O frères et soeurs de CCF
Faisons tout pour honorer et glorifier notre Dieu!

Mères, Pères, Grand-mères, et Grand-pères de CCF
Aimez Dieu de tout votre coeur et les autres comme vous-mêmes
Utilisez votre expérience et sagesse pour aider et encourager vos enfants
Remerciez Le Seigneur pour tout ce Qu'Il a fait pour vous et votre famille
Il est plus que digne de recevoir toute votre reconnaissance et gratitude
Tournez vos regards vers Jésus Christ
Il est La Résurrection et La Vie
Utilisez le reste de votre séjour sur terre pour Le servir
Sans Lui, nous sommes tous perdus!

Bon Anniversaire à CCF !

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

O God, You are so real to us!

O Lord God,

How Great Thou Art!
Nothing is impossible to You
All things are possible to You
You direct each and every heart
You know the exact need of Your children
And You know how to answer them
You answer the prayers of Your children in most marvelous ways
You give Your children the deep desires of their hearts

O Lord God,

You are a refuge for the oppressed
A refuge in times of trouble
And those who know Your Name will put their trust in You
Lord, You have not forsaken those who seek You

Amazing God,

We love You
We praise You
We adore You and
We gladly proclaim You and Your Word to Your entire world

Amen and amen!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy 60th anniversary to CCF!

Hello brothers and sisters,

e are glad to hear about the upcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of CCF. CCF has been and is still a great blessing to us. We do cherish the blessed times we spent together for many years.

own parents had been blessed members of CCF. They are both now in bliss and felicity in Heaven. We personally got great opportunities and privileges to serve in many varied ways- the Chinese workers, the elderlies, and the youth for some ten years consecutively before flying to the United States.

We pray that CCF keeps growing in Christ and in His Word. God loves you all. We love Him and you all. Be blessed!

Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

National Day of Prayer

Our dearest Father God,

Thank You for the National Day of Prayer. We praise and adore You, O God. Please forgive us all our sins. We want to obey Your commandments. We do want to love You absolutely and others as well, including our enemies. O help us, Lord.

We pray for everyone who is still lost. We pray for them and trust you to save them, O Lord. O God, have mercy upon all Your creatures.

O Lord God, may we all seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. Thank You for Your promise of taking care of all the rest, when we seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Our One True Creator God expects from us

Our only true God of the universe expects us to believe His Word, the Bible absolutely and obey it and practice it, that is, to live it out.

To believe in the Bible is to believe that God is a Triune God, the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. To believe in God is to please Him, to follow Him, and not to grieve Him. To believe in God is to obey His commandments. His commandments are summed up in loving (agape) Him and others.

To live the agape life means to forgive one another and to bless one another. agape living implies praying for one another in the Name of Jesus Christ. agape rejects all evil, does good only. agape rejects lies, hypocrisy, and deception but rejoices in the Truth, Joy, and Peace.

agape living is sacrificial unconditional loving. It is loving everyone, including enemies like Jesus Christ demonstrated and manifested Himself. Besides the supreme example of Our Lord and Savior who personified agape, a beautiful illustration given by Christ Jesus Himself is the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

The Good Samaritan stopped out of his way to help, to bring support and healing. He gave of himself and his belongings to even a stranger. He really cared. He did not follow the crowd. He did not follow bad examples. He acted by faith in God. He stooped down and humbled himself to minister to the needy. He saved a precious life. He was a blessing to others. He was indeed Christlike and godly.

Let us be good Samaritans to one another and thus glorify Our majestic God as we live the resurrected life in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior! Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A tous zenfants Bon Dié

Alléluia, frères et soeurs,
Bonne fête de La Résurrection!

Couma zot connait
Dimanche nou pé célébrer Jésus so Résurrection
Eleve nou louanges vers Li
Faire nou la prière d'adoration a Bon Dié
Grace a Li noune gagne la vie éternelle ek abondante

Hola Hola!
Ine l'heure pou nou proclame La Bonne Nouvelle partout
Jour après jour
Kot l'endroits qui pencore entendre la Bonne Nouvelle de Jésus
Li meme La Resurrection ek La Vie

Munis avec So La Parole
Nou propage L'Evangile de Jésus Christ

O frères et soeurs,

Prier, intercéder, partager pour la gloire de Jésus Christ
Qui Le Chemin, La Vérité, ek La Vie

Réjouir nous en Lui
Sans Li, personne pas capave alle au Père dans Le Ciel
Tout pouvoir ek autorité dans so la main
Unir nous en Christ
Vers l'avenir en Christ

Wouais, Alleluia, Gloire a Dieu
Xprime nou la paix, la joie, l'amour, ek la victoire en Christ

Zenfants Bon Dié, Joyeuses Paques!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A-Z pour Jésus Christ qui revient bientôt

Allons, frères et soeurs
Bientôt Jésus reviendra
Comptons sur Ses promesses
Doutons point
Emmanuel est avec nous

Faisons-Lui confiance
Gardons La Foi
Hâtons nous de partager Sa Bonne Nouvelle
Il est La Résurrection et La Vie
Jésus Christ est Le Chemin, La Vérité et La Vie
King of kings, disons-nous en Anglais
Le Roi des rois

Manifestons notre reconnaissance, gratitude, et obéissance
Nous, les élus de Notre Dieu Souverain
Ouvrons nos coeurs à Son appel
Pratiquons Sa Parole
Quittons tout mal et péché
Résistons toute tentation et le diable

Soyons les vrais disciples de Jésus Christ
Tournons nos regards vers l'avenir en Lui
Unissons-nous en Lui
Véritable Dieu Eternel et Tout-Puissant

Wouais, Il est vivant!
Xclamons la joie du Seigneur en nous
Zélés en lui pour toujours!

Resurrection of Our Lord!

All over the world
Black, Brown, Yellow and White children of God
Cry on Crucifixion Day
Downcast in our hearts
Expressing sorrow and mourning

Finally, on the Third Day
God resurrected Our Lord
He is risen! He is alive!
Immortal is He forevermore
Jesus Christ Our Savior

King of kings
Lord of lords
Majestic is He
No one can go to the Father without Him
O Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Prince of Peace is He

Quit mourning, Brother and Sister
Rejoice now
Salvation has come to us
Tell it to the whole world
United in Christ, Forward we run

Visualizing Heaven ahead
With God together forever
Xtraordinary bliss and felicity throughout eternity
Yes, this is our blessed destiny
Zoom in with zeal and zest!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Good News!

He was born of a virgin. He grew up in favor with God and man. He lived a life of being and doing good only. He was holy, righteous, humble, wise, loving and compassionate. He was murdered as the vilest criminal on a cross. This happened some two thousand years ago in Israel.

On the third day after his crucifixion, He rose again. Yes, He was resurrected and is alive. After being seen by His followers for a period of forty days, He ascended into Heaven, where He is now. He will return back some day in glory. He is Jesus Christ! He is Our Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins and eternal condemnation in Hell. He has set us free to believe in Him and receive freely the eternal abundant life and spend eternity in Heaven thereafter. Isn’t this Good News for one and all? Yes, sure, it is.

While looking forward to Christ’s Second Coming, we are to share the Good News of the Gospel to all the lost ones. We are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything He has commanded us. Jesus Christ has promised that He will be with us always, through His Spirit, to the end of the age. (Ref: Matthew 28:18-20)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Joyeux Jour de La Résurrection!

Jeunes et vieux du monde entier,
Oui, Jésus Christ est ressuscité et vivant!
Y-a-t'il quelqu'un qui ne le sait pas encore?
Exclamons La Bonne Nouvelle de l'Evangile de Notre Seigneur
Unissons nous en Notre Seigneur et Sauveur
Xclamons Sa Paix, Sa Joie, et Son Amour partout

Jésus Christ est La Résurrection et La Vie (Jean 11:25)
Ouvrons notre coeur pour Le recevoir
Unis en Lui

Déclarons le message du salut en Christ
Élevons Son Saint Nom ensemble et partout

Levons-nous et proclamons Sa Bonne Nouvelle
Allons faire des disciples de toutes les nations

Réjouissons-nous en Lui
Exclamons Sa Paix, Sa Joie, et Son Amour partout
Seigneur Jésus est Le Vrai Dieu
Unissons-nous en Lui
Rejetons toute fausseté
Rejetons tout péché
Evangelisons le monde entier
Christ est ressuscité et vivant!
Tout genou fléchira et toute langue confessera,
Il est seigneur
O oui, bienaimé, Il est Le Chemin, La Vérité, et La Vie (Jean 14:6)
Nul ne vient au Père que par Lui, Le Ressuscité

Happy Resurrection Day!

He is risen and alive
Awesome Christ
Powerful Savior
Praise Him
Yes, celebrate Jesus

Rise up!
Exclaim His victory
So decisive
Upon sin, death, and Hell
Rejoice, yes
Rejoice in Christ, Our Lord
Exclaim His Good News
Christ Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
Tell the world
In Christ, we have eternal life
O Come, let us adore Our Lord
No one can go to the Father except through Him

Dear ones, proclaim
Around the world that
Yes, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! (John 14:6)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Definition of a Christian

Is it clear for you, friend, who is a real true Christian?

So many different answers do we hear
How can we define it simply?
It is not captured in our hearts
Unless God helps us
Not everyone got it although
God revealed it in His Word

Yes, it is there in the New Testament
Easy to define
Easy to understand

A Christian is simply a slave of Jesus Christ
Made to obey HIM

All the time

Such was Apostle Paul and other disciples of Christ
Let us be faithful slaves of Our Lord
All the rest of our lives
Vow it and be it
Express it daily.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
Forever be glorified!

Consecrated let us be
His are we forever
Respect and revere Our Lord
In Christ we are truly free
Slave of Christ is the most blessed life ever
Taste and see for yourself

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life
Except through Him, none can go to the Father and to Heaven
Such is the Gospel message
Unless we are born again in Christ Jesus, we cannot inherit eternal life
Slave of Jesus Christ- this is a true genuine Christian!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Our message to you, friend, with love

Greetings to you all, dear friends!

We hope that you are all fine. As we are approaching the Easter season, we must tell you something. We want to share with you before it is too late! We never know. Only God knows what will happen tomorrow. Thank you for your time and patience. Here it is:

Jesus Christ is the Truth. Knowing Jesus Christ is knowing the Truth. This Truth will set you free. You will be set free from ignorance, darkness, and bondage. You will be set free from unrighteousness, impurity, and immorality. You will be set free from pride, prejudice, and arrogance. You will be set free from lies, deceit, and hypocrisy. You will be set free from sin, Satan and death (I Corinthians 15:55-57). Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!
Believe that He is God
Believe in His virgin birth, miracles, teachings, and crucifixion
Believe in His resurrection, ascension, sovereign authority, and His return.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!

You'll experience the Way, the Truth, and the Life
You'll understand where you came from, who you are, and where you are going
You'll see what life, death, Heaven, and Hell are really about
You'll enjoy true love, joy, and peace
You'll experience true knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom
You'll live in true freedom

Believe and see!

This is the greatest of all victories ever! Everyone in the whole wide world must hear and know about it! It is a victory far superior to any other victory in history. It is very far above any victory in any election, world cup, Olympic games, or field of research. It is the victory of victories! It is the victory of Truth over lies; Peace over violence; agape love over hatred. It is the victory over the flesh, over the world (John 16:33), over evil (I John 3:8), over sin (Romans 6:23; 7:24-25), over Satan and demons (I John 3:8), and over death (I Corinthians 15:26, 55, 57). It is the victory won at Calvary two thousand years ago, on a cross between two thieves at Golgotha. This victory has been won for you and me (John 3:16; I John 3:16; I John 5:5) when Jesus Christ was killed on that rugged cross as if He was the vilest criminal, He, the Holy, Humble, and Innocent One!

Friend, if you are asking how could that be called a victory, understand that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not stay dead. On the third day, He rose again as He foretold He would.

He has risen! He was resurrected!
He is alive!
He is God!
He is The second Person of the Holy Trinity!
He is now seated at the right hand of Father God!

Celebrate Jesus, yes, celebrate Him
Today and everyday forevermore!

Happy oncoming Resurrection Day celebration!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Believe and see!

Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!
Believe that He is God
Believe in His virgin birth, miracles, teachings, and crucifixion
Believe in His resurrection, ascension, and return.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!

You'll experience the Way, the Truth, and the Life
You'll understand your past, present, and future
You'll see what life, death, Heaven, and Hell are really about
You'll enjoy true love, joy, and peace
You'll experience true knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom
You'll live in true freedom

Believe and see!

The Victory of victories!

This is the greatest of all victories ever! Everyone in the whole wide world must hear and know about it! It is a victory far superior to any other victory in History. It is very far above any victory in any national election, world cup, Olympic games, or field of research. It is the victory of victories! It is the victory of Truth over lies; Peace over violence; agape love over hatred. It is the victory over the flesh, over the world (John 16:33), over evil (I John 3:8), over sin (Romans 6:23; 7:24-25); over Satan and demons (I John 3:8), and over death (I Corinthians 15:26, 55, 57). It is the victory won at Calvary two thousand years ago, on a cross between two thieves at Golgotha. This victory has been won for you and me (John 3:16; I John 3:16; I John 5:5) when Jesus Christ was killed on that rugged cross as if He was the vilest criminal, He, the Holy, Humble, and Innocent One!

If you are asking how could the death of someone be called a victory?  Friend, Our Lord Jesus Christ did not stay dead. On the Third day, He rose again as He foretold He would.

He has risen! He was resurrected!
He is alive!
He is God!
He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity!
He is now seated at the right hand of Father God!

Celebrate Jesus, yes, celebrate Him
Today and everyday forevermore!

Happy oncoming Resurrection Day celebration!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Father and the Son are ONE

Last Sunday, at the end of my teaching on Philippians 1:27-2:11, a brother came up to me to ask about 2:11 which says: "and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father". He was asking, how is it to the glory of the Father, when Jesus and the Father are coequal? God gave me the answer right away in my heart.

The answer is:

It is to the glory of God the Father, to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is the Father's will, that all men should honor the Son as they honor the Father. In John 5:23 (King James Version), it says:
"That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him."

The Father and the Son are ONE. They are united. They are in unity. When One is uplifted and glorified, the Other One is, too. It is a mutual uplifting or honoring or glorification. And the brother was satisfied. Praise Our Lord!

Now, following this, what do you think will happen to the Father or the Son, when One or the Other is dishonored or blasphemed or mocked or rejected? I believe that when we reject Christ, we are rejecting the Father too. When One is grieved, the Other is too. When we blaspheme Father God, when we dishonor Him, we are blaspheming and dishonoring the Son too. I may add, the Holy Spirit as well. In fact, they are Three in One- the Holy Trinity, the Triune God. When One is dishonored, the other Two are as well. And when we obey One,we are obeying the Triune God Himself.

We must never try to dissociate them. They are just ONE! (John 10:30)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

To live is Christ, to die is gain.

In the book of Philippians, chapter 1, verse 21, we see the struggle (French: embarras du choix) of our elder brother, the Apostle Paul. He said, " For me to live is Christ, to die is gain". For him personally, it would be much more beneficial to die and be with Our Lord, rather than under house arrest. However, he was not putting his own interest first, but the interest of the Philippian brethren. The latter would benefit more through Paul staying alive and sharing God's wonderful Word and instructions to them. So, Paul was content to suffer for Christ and remain alive sharing His Gospel until God chooses the perfect timing for his departure to Heaven. Thanks to the apostle's obedience and submission to Our God, today, we can learn from and enjoy all his letters and epistles of eternal value.

I also want to be able to say sincerely everyday, like Saint Paul, " For me to live is Christ and to die is gain". I want to be like Our Lord, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked Father God if He could avoid this ultimate suffering on the cross, nevertheless, "Not My will, but Yours be done". So be it, Lord. Amen.

Apostle Paul has joined the cloud of witnesses that the Bible talks about in Hebrews 12:1. May we, Brothers and Sisters, throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, so that Apostle Paul, the saints, the angels, and Our Triune God may all be pleased with and rejoice over us in Heaven.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can we live up to the Gospel?

According to Philippians 1:27, we are to live up to the Gospel. How can you and I do that?

Let us humbly ask Our Lord Himself to help us live a life worthy of His Gospel.

"O God, please lead and guide us Yourself to become:
humble, holy, pure, genuine, true, sincere, honest, loving, kind, considerate, compassionate, obedient, just, diligent, wise, disciplined, prayerful, courageous, bold, faithful, trustworthy, thankful, grateful, patient, persevering, appreciative, respectful, brave, loyal, discerning, good, dutiful, gentle, polite, caring, useful, helpful, self-controlled, and united in Christ Jesus Our Lord.
Yes, Lord, May You mold us to become godly and Christlike throughout the rest of our lives. Let us be what You have designed us to be!

O God, we also ask that You lead and guide us to do what You want us to do for the rest of our lives. May we faithfully:

-do our jobs/ministries in the spirit of Christ
-help, support and care for each other
-give as You direct us
-preach and teach Your Word faithfully
-do works of charity
-practice hospitality
-serve whoever, whenever and wherever

O God, May our BEING and our DOING please, honor and glorify You now and forever. Amen."

Thursday, March 10, 2011


"The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good" Proverbs 15:3


Imagine Our Father God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the angels watching us from Heaven every moment. They witness our every move. (Hebrews 12:1)

Will they be pleased?
Will they be proud?
Will they be honored by us?
Will God be glorified?
Are we living as we are supposed to?
Are we loving God and each other?
Are we obeying God and practicing His Word?
Are we upholding the Truth in Love?
Have we forgiven those who have sinned against us?
Have we repented of our sins?
Have we made restitution accordingly?

"O Lord God, please have mercy and grace upon us! Amen."

May God and all His precious ones in Heaven bear witness to our Christlike lifestyle here on earth!

Christlike living is characterized by agape, divine love (I John 4:16). agape is patient and kind. It does not envy, boast; it  is not proud, rude, self-seeking, easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. agape does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. agape never fails. (I Corinthians 13:4-8)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Day of the Lord shall come!

We, the children of God, declare that the Day shall come when:

Holy peace, love and joy
Holy truth, righteousness and justice
True brotherhood, fellowship and communion
Unity, harmony and oneness in Christ shall prevail!

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord!

All wickedness, evil and sin shall be uprooted and eradicated,
All the Christian martyrs of all times shall rise up, be vindicated, honored and crowned,
All the enemies of Our Holy Lord God shall be cast out into Hell!

Good shall prevail over evil absolutely,
Gentleness, humility and meekness shall prevail over pride, vanity and arrogance.

Jesus Christ, Our Lord shall return to rule and reign over the entire world in power and glory!

Every country, nation, tribe and people shall acknowledge the Holy living God of the Bible!

God's enemy, Satan, the devil and all his demons shall be banished in the lake of eternal fire forever and ever!

There shall be no more:

False teachings and religions, lies and deceits, hypocrisy and prejudice, envy and covetousness, corruption and perversion, adultery and prostitution, impurity and immorality, unfaithfulness and betrayal, divorce and broken hearts, hatred and division, illiteracy and ignorance, poverty and misery, violence and crime, wars and famines, pain and suffering, sickness and death, mourning and crying, iniquity and sin.

We, the children of God, declare that the Day shall come when:

Light shall dispel all darkness, and God's Family shall be reunited. We will see each other again in Heaven, and enjoy pure bliss and felicity forever and ever throughout eternity. We will be with Jesus Christ, Our Father God, the Holy Spirit, the angels of God and all the saints of all times forever and evermore!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Amen and amen!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ce que nous avons en Jésus Christ!

Rappelons-nous encore une fois ce que nous avons en Jésus Christ, Notre Seigneur et Sauveur:

Amour et Authenticité
Bénédictions et Bonté
Compassion et Compréhension
Droiture et Dynamisme
Espérance et Efficacité
Foi et Force
Générosité et Gentillesse
Humilité et Hardiesse
Intégrité et Illumination
Joie et Justice
'K'onnaisance et 'K'ommunion
Lumière et Lucidité
Modération et Modestie
Nouvelle Naissance et Noblesse
Objectivité et Originalité
Paix et Puissance
Quiétude et Qualité
Repos et Réalisme
Salut et Sagesse
Tranquilité et Transparence
Unité et Union
Vérité et Valeur
'X'cellence et 'X'ceptionalité
Zèle et 'Z'oie


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lesson from 2 Kings 17

Last Sunday, I taught on 2 Kings 17. The main lesson which I found was God is not a God that we can mock. He does not tolerate our hypocrisy forever. We cannot pretend to be His disciples. We cannot say we follow the Lord but our actions and deeds are contrary to His Word and Will.

God expects us to repent of our sins and obey Him promptly. If we don't, we will face His judgment and suffer His punishment like the disobedient hypocritical Israelites did in the book of 2 Kings 17.

"O Lord God, please have mercy upon us. Forgive us our sins. Reveal to us our secret sins and may we repent promptly and thoroughly. We want to obey you, O Lord. So, help us, God. Amen."

Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year 2011!

To all our dear Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ:

Happy New Year!

May we be first and foremost Christlike, manifesting the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Let us always obey God and His Word. OBEDIENCE to Our Lord God is the BOTTOM-LINE of our religion. Everything else is secondary. We may sing, shout, praise, dance, pray, read, meditate, write, preach, etc, etc...,but what counts is the actual execution of God's commands, living it out in our daily lives, wherever we are.

Actually, the first and foremost commandment of God is to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. The kind of love being referred to here is agape, the God kind of sacrificial love, the kind of love that Jesus Christ demonstrated unto us, even unto His most cruel unjust death on the cross.

God said in His Word, that if we love Him, we will obey His commandments (John 14:15). So, the bottom-line of the true Christian religion is to OBEY God and His Word, to practice it, to live it out. All the rest is futile without this true genuine obedience to Our Lord God.

May God help us to truly live according to His commandments! Amen.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One to Ten

ONE- ONE God, Yahweh/ShangDi, the Great I AM.

TWO- In TWO testaments (old and new) of the Bible.

THREE- Triune God in THREE persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

FOUR- FOUR Gospels of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

FIVE- FIVE-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).

SIX- SIX days of God's creation.

SEVEN- God rested on Day SEVEN.

EIGHT- Day EIGHT is a new cycle or beginning.

NINE- Fruit of Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

TEN-From Adam to Noah, TEN generations. From Noah to Moses, TEN generations. TEN commandments. TEN plagues against Pharaoh and Egypt to deliver God's people.

Jesus Christ is the Answer!

Friend, Are you any one of the following:

joked about?
knocked out?
looked down upon?
pushed off?
quarreled at?
yelled at?
zoned out?

The answer to your situation is Jesus Christ. Friend, in Him, you are:

new creation
yearned for

Yes, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Him. (John 14:6)

Monday, January 10, 2011

A new year Review/Une nouvelle année en revue

We just celebrated another anniversary of our living in USA. As we looked back, we were amazed at what Our God has done in, through and for us. We praise and adore Him forevermore. We can summarize our blessed life as a couple here with the following words:

Anointed, Blessed, Cared for, Developed, Esteemed, Fulfilled, God-led, Honored, Interesting, Justified, Knowledge, Loved, Maturing, Nourished, Ordained, Purified, Quickened, Renewed, Satisfied, Truth, Unity, Valued, Worthy, Xciting, Yielded, Zeal and zest.

We thank Our Lord and His people. Praise, honor and glory be to God!

Hier, le neuf Janvier, nous avons célébré une nouvelle fois l'anniversaire de notre séjour aux états-unis. En faisant une rétrospective de notre vie bénie ici, par la grâce et la faveur de Notre Dieu, nous sommes émerveillés. En résumé, nous avons vécu:

Amour, Bénédictions, Compassion, Dons, Estime, Fraternité, Grâce, Honneur, Illumination, Joie, Lumière, Maturité, Nouveauté, Ouvertures, Paix, Qualité, Restauration, Sainteté, Tranquilité, Unité, Vérité, Xcellence, et Zèle.

Merci au Seigneur et à Ses enfants. Louange, Honneur et Gloire à Dieu. Amen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year Wishes

Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name!
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven

In 2011 and beyond,
May Our God's will be done in everyone everywhere!

O God, May there be less and less

Atrocity, Bestiality, Crime, Division, Enmity, Falsehood, Godlessness, Hooliganism, Immorality, Joblessness, Knock-downs, Licentiousness, Misery, Naughtiness, Occultism, Prejudice, Quarreling, Robbery, Sorcery, Torturing, Uselessness, Violence, War, X-rated shows, Youth rebellion, and Zaniness.

O God, Let there be more and more 

Agape, Beatitudes, Compassion, Diligence, Excellence, Forgiveness, Godliness, Humility, Illumination, Justice, Knowledge of You, Loyalty, Morality, Nobility, Obedience, Peace, Quietude, Restoration, Sacredness, Truth, Unity, Valor, Worship, Xcellence, Yieldedness, Zeal and Zest.

So be it, O Lord. Praise, honor and glory unto You, Our God. Amen.