Being a Christian means everything to us.
Our born again experience in Christ set us totally free from the power of sin, Satan, and death unto eternal abundant life, and Heaven. This greatest deliverance by Our Savior Jesus Christ has filled the emptiness of our hearts with the Holy Spirit who causes us to bear the virtues and qualities of agape love, joy, peace, hope, wisdom, true knowledge, patience, perseverance, gentleness, kindness, humility, righteousness, truthfulness, integrity, compassion, and more.
Becoming a follower of Christ satisfied all our needs and answered our questions about life and death, Heaven and Hell, life meaning and purpose. We found our true identity in Christ!
Our decision to believe in Jesus Christ has affected our whole life and outlook, our thoughts, desires, goals, ambitions, dreams, hopes, purpose and objectives. It also affects our character and personality. For example, we can truly forgive those who do not deserve it only because of being a Christian. And we can forgive ourselves truly again because of being a Christian. Our Christian faith affects our relationships, conduct and behavior, attitudes and demeanor, words and deeds, activities and travels, and giving and expenditures. Our Christian faith positively affects each and every aspect and compartment of our lives.
As Christians, we are motivated to do our very best in our jobs, duties, and responsibilities everyday wherever we are. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have something good to offer to others: the Good News of the Gospel, which the world desperately needs, and which is its only way of eternal salvation.
Yes, being Christians mean everything to us! It has positively affected our whole beings: spirit, heart, soul, and body.
Praise, honor and glory to Our Lord God now and forever and ever. Amen.
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