
Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 04, 2013

On this day, I thank You, My Lord and My God
You have been so good, merciful, and gracious to me
I am forever grateful to You, My Lord and My God
You are the One who makes all things beautiful
You are the One who makes all things work out for my good
I love, worship, and adore You, O My God

You have been with us, watched over us, cared for us
You have been faithful to us
You have loved us and provided to all our needs
You have protected us against evil, and calamities
You have blessed and favored us indeed
O how we love, worship, and adore You, O Our God

You are not done with us
Thank You for Your great plan and purpose for us
Thank you for the good works that You have prepared for us to do 
As we live the rest of our lives in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior
Till You take us Home to be with You, in bliss and felicity 
Forever and ever and evermore. Amen.

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