
Friday, March 16, 2012

Worship as a way of life

Thanks to God for having revealed to us through His Word that He has created us in His Image to be His worshipers and thus glorify Him. May we all be saved in Christ and become true worshipers of Our Majestic Creator God all over the world, in every tribe, nation, and people group.

A true worshiper is one who believes in God, has received Christ Jesus as His/Her lord and Savior, and does everything in the Spirit of worship, that is, obediently, humbly, truthfully, sincerely, and lovingly. Everything includes household chores, homework, playing, eating and drinking, working, studying, teaching, driving, shopping, playing sports or hobby..., not just singing in a Sunday Church worship service. Yes, true worship is a WAY OF LIFE, a lifestyle that comes from a righteous heart and permeates the whole being: spirit, soul, and body. True worshipful living does not occur just once in a blue moon but happens consistently, faithfully, day in, day out throughout one's whole lifetime.

This is what godly living is really about. This is what the world needs. This is what pleases God. This is what builds up the believers and the church. This is what will attract and bring lost souls to Christ: true genuine worshipers on display day and night around the world.

May we all truly love, worship, and adore Our God with all our souls, minds, hearts, and spirits to His praise, honor and glory now and forever and evermore. Anyway, this is what we will be doing perfectly and eternally in Heaven in our glorified beings. Hallelujah! Amen.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trust and Rest in Our God.

Dear brothers and sisters,

I believe that as we live our lives, we sometimes ask or hear others ask such questions as:

Why does Our Sovereign God allow:

-Satan to manifest himself in people's lives and the creation?
-Sin to occur among His creatures?
-False religions and cults to prevail in parts of the world?
-Immorality and perversion to go on in the world?
-Injustice, abuse and exploitation to continue on?

The manifestation of sin and Satan in the world causes a lot of pain, misery, suffering, and death. Why does God allow all these? Why does God allow hearts to be broken? I do not know all the answers but I just trust and rest in My God.

I just trust in God's omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. I know deep down in my heart, in my soul, and in my spirit that God Is True. He Is Real. He Cares. He Suffers even more than us. He never fails. His Word Is true. His prophecies shall be accomplished as He declared them in the Bible.

I further believe that when we, His children, get to Heaven, and with our glorified bodies, we will understand everything. Everything that happened upon the earth and the universe will become crystal clear to us OR it will just not matter anymore. I believe we will be in total absolute bliss and felicity eternally.

Love you all in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ does work

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As you know there are many verbal fights which are going on endlessly on the internet and all over the world. One wants to win an argument over the other. One believes that one's views are right and better whereas the neighbor's are wrong. At the end of the day, there is not much true benefit for anyone but more strife and division and losses of time and energy among others.

Instead of relentless attacks upon one another, dear friends, why don't we rather do as God commands us in His Word, the Bible? God admonishes us to pray always, to make requests in His Name and in His Will. Whenever I obey God's instructions, I do realize that they truly work. Try sincere humble prayer first whenever you are tempted to do verbal fights and argue...

Believe me, prayer works. God does answer prayers in the Name of Jesus Christ. Praise, glory and honor unto Our Lord God. Amen.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My wish for all my fellow citizens

I pray that we all live in unity and harmony wherever we are. I pray that all the leaders lead in accordance to God's will and ways. I pray that everyone does his/her part in obedience to God and His Word, the Bible. I wish that everyone of us always practice Christ-likeness in all our relationships and in every situation and circumstance.

May Our Lord's will be always done at our personal, family, neighborhood, community, city, county, state, national, and international levels. May we all cooperate with Our God, always yielding and surrendering ourselves, our whole being-spirit, soul, and body unto Him.

"I thank You in advance, My God, that You will answer the prayers of Your people. You, Our Good God, will give us the desires of our hearts as we love and serve You faithfully."

Praise, Honor, and Glory unto Our Triune God, the Holy Trinity, now and forever and ever and evermore. Amen.