We must do our best in mathematics to glorify Our Lord God. Mathematics is one of the greatest God-given tools to His children worldwide enabling and empowering them to fulfill His First Commission of subduing and ruling His Earth (Gen. 1:26-28) and His Great Commission of making disciples of all ethnic groups and people groups in His World (Mat. 28:18-20). Mathematics contributes most significantly towards the execution of God's Great Commission through Technology. Radio, telephone, television, video, CD, DVD, microphone, computer, internet, u tube, iPod, airplane, ship, vehicle, printer, and all other technological means of communication do facilitate our sharing of the gospel to lost peoples all over the earth, even the uttermost parts. All these technologies came into being through mathematical calculations and continuously use mathematics to function and operate.
Through mathematics problem-solving, we learn to:
-appreciate our wise, orderly, and majestic Creator,
-cultivate our character in Christ, and
-prepare ourselves and others for great careers.
Mathematics as worship-builder
Mathematical studies reveal the character and attributes of God such as order and orderliness (not confusion), consistency, precision, harmony, beauty, and majesty. (I Corinthians 14:40; Psalm 19:1-4; Romans 1:19-20; Psalm 147:1-5, 50:6; Jeremiah 31:35-37). Mathematical studies can instill an awe, adoration, and worship of God (Psalm 8:3-9; Jeremiah 33:22; Colossians 1:16-17; Psalm 139:14; Romans 11:33-36).
In mathematics, we encounter transcendental numbers like e (2.718281828...), Pi (3.14159265...), golden mean/ratio/rectangle Phi (1.618...), Fibonacci sequence, Pascal's triangle, fractal geometry and infinity. All these are so wonderful. One can appreciate colors, shapes, sizes, symmetries, patterns, harmony, majesty, power, mystery, and transcendence in mathematics and mathematical numbers. Thus, mathematics helps us to appreciate God's creation, and God, the Creator Himself. It is so awesome and fabulous when we study mathematics with the biblical worldview perspective. We cannot help but admire, adore, and worship the Holy One who created this fascinating world including the intelligence to study all kinds of subjects and mathematics.
Mathematics as character-builder
Mathematics is the kind of discipline that exercises one’s patience and self-control. We certainly cannot best solve problems if we do not persevere patiently in following the necessary steps towards finding the solutions. We cannot be restless or hyperactive or careless or inattentive or impatient or overexcited or unmotivated or pessimistic if we are to best succeed in mathematics problem-solving. In fact, good self-control and calmness do help in mathematics problem-solving.
We have great opportunities in math studies to express love, joy, peace, kindness, and goodness when we kindly interact and help each other to understand the concepts and procedures in solving the mathematical problems. A heart filled with God's peace, kindness, and goodness would help enormously in communicating more successfully our findings and solutions of mathematical problems to others, and in conveying our knowledge and understanding to our audience.
Learning and teaching mathematics do exercise and cultivate qualities and virtues. Mathematics promotes, for example:
Analytical skills,
Brilliance of mind,
Curiosity and Creativity,
Efficiency and effectiveness, Excellence,
Insight and Integrity,
Methodical approach,
Numeracy skills,
Organizational skills and objectivity,
Planning skills,
Reasoning power,
Spatial ability,
Thinking skills,
"Y"-mind ("Why"mindedness and higher-order thinking), and
Wise employers look for as many of the above characteristics as possible in their prospective employees. Thus, mathematics is also a great potential career-builder.
Mathematics as career-builder
Mathematics is one of the most relevant and practical subjects that exists. It is so applicable in all kinds of fields imaginable. It is used in the fields of accountancy, banking, commerce, trade, zoo-keeping, firefighting, astronomy, forestry service, skateboard park design, spectacular fireworks, music amplifier design, stock exchange, engineering, car design, sciences, air travel, laboratories, surveying, chemistry, film-making, criminology, navy, and many many more.
The world needs people equipped with higher-order thinking skills: deductive and inductive reasoning power, logical, analytical, critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and entrepreneurship which can all be developed through mathematics problem-solving.
Mathematics is a great God-given tool enabling and empowering God's children to contribute towards the execution of His Greatest Commandment and His New Commandment of living out agape love, His First Commission of good efficient stewardship of His world, and His Great Commission of making disciples. Besides being a 'fun' subject with all kinds of entertaining games, riddles and puzzles, mathematics can be a wonderful worship, character, and career builder. We do need to encourage and promote excellence in mathematics to the glory, praise, and honor of Our God and for the blessing of the world.
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