
Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Greatest Victory Ever!

Each of the four gospels’ narration ends in the greatest victory ever. It was the victory of God over Satan through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ on the third day after His cruel unjust crucifixion two thousand years ago. This victory of God over Satan brought eternal relief, assurance, and salvation to fallen humanity since the day Adam and Eve fell into the trap of the devil and sinned against God in the Garden of Eden. Since then, throughout all these long years and centuries, the world was waiting for the promise of the Messiah to be realized. Finally, when Jesus Christ stepped into the world through His virgin birth, lived a perfect sinless life doing good, healing, teaching, working miracles, died on the Cross for our sins, and rose again on the Third Day as He Himself had prophesied, the promise of the Messiah was fully realized and accomplished.

This victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over Satan, death and Hell has two most wonderful implications for us, fallen humanity. The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ means that:

-We who trust in Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior are saved from God’s condemnation to death and Hell.

-We, believers in Christ Jesus receive eternal abundant life and Heaven as our everlasting home and final destiny.

So, we, children of God can rejoice always and throughout eternity that God has graciously saved us from sin, death, Satan, and hell forever and ever. 

However, we must also obey God’s Commandments of loving Him and others, loving one another, and making Christian disciples of all nations. Just like God had compassion and mercy upon us to come down from Heaven in Jesus Christ to rescue us by paying the penalty for our sins dying on the Cross, so we need to have compassion and mercy upon our lost family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc…We must go and tell them the Good News of the Gospel of Our Savior so that they may receive the gift of eternal life too.

So, let our life goals be:

1. Love (agape) God and others (Matthew 22:36-40)

2. Love (agape) one another as Christ has loved (agape) us (John 13:34-35; 15:12, 17)

3. Go and make disciples (not just converts) of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20)

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