
Monday, July 8, 2013

The best Life

The best life is the Christlike life. It is a life that is lived according to God's Word, the Bible. It is a life that is lived according to biblical values, which are among others:

1. Love God with our whole hearts, souls, minds, and strength.
2. Love one another as Christ loved us sacrificially unto death.
3. Make Christian disciples of all nations.
4. Respect and honor Marriage between a  man and a woman, established by God Himself between Adam and Eve.
5. No premarital and extra-marital sex. Sex is blessed within the proper husband-wife relationship, not otherwise.
6. Respect and honor the family institution, established by God Himself.
7. Husbands must love their wives.
8. Wives must respect and submit to their husbands.
9. Children are to obey their parents.
10. Parents must not provoke their children.
11.Agape love and unity must prevail in marriage, family, and church.
12. Repentance, Confession and Forgiveness must be practiced among family members, brothers and sisters in Christ.
13. Whatever we do, we must do to the glory of God.
14. We must always seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
15. Pray, thank, and rejoice always in Christ Jesus Our Lord.
16. Have absolute trust and faith in Almighty God.
17. Preach the Word in season and out of season-at all times.
18. Never disobey God. Always obey Him, no matter what, where, and when.
19. Reject all evil and sin.
20. Resist the devil and he will flee from us.

Hallelujah! Praise Our God! Amen.

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