
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Be loyal and faithful to Our Lord!

Sunday April 14, 2013

               Bible Study II Timothy 1:3-18                
As Apostle Paul expected, he was soon to be executed. This letter was his last will and testament to Timothy.

Q. How do you define the term ‘loyal’ ?

Webster’s Dictionary:

Faithful and devoted to a private person, esp. faithful to a person to whom fidelity is held to be due~husband

Faithful or tenacious in adherence to a cause, ideal, practice, or custom


Unfailing Love couple

Apostle Paul

In today’s world of misplaced or wavering loyalties, this lesson reminds us of the importance of remaining loyal to the gospel.

Read II Tim 1:3-8

Q. What two women impacted Timothy’s life?

How does this reinforce the importance of a godly home?

Although family members do not inherit saving faith from one another, a godly influence in the home is beneficial.

In addition to Eunice and Lois, Paul also was a part of Timothy’s spiritual heritage.

Any person who was spiritually influential in your life?

Whose presence fills you with joy and gives you encouragement?

Maybe you can write a personal note this week, thanking that person for his or her spiritual influence in your life.

You are also sources of spiritual influence to others.

Continuing his spiritual influence with Timothy, Paul offered advice in Vs 7-8

The phrase “not be ashamed” is used three times in II Timothy 1 (Vs 8, 12, and 16)

In Vs 8, Paul told Timothy not to be ashamed. In Vs 12, Paul said he was not ashamed, and in Vs 16, he stated that Onesiphorus (We’ll come back to this wonderful saint/brother later) was not ashamed

Q. Why is Paul’s advice to Timothy appropriate advice to believers today?

Why should we not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?

Name reasons you know God is trustworthy.

Read II Tim 1:9-10

Q. Do you believe we ever tend to take our salvation for granted? Why or why not?

Paul reminded Timothy about how great salvation is.

Identify at least three (3) truths about salvation from these two verses.


1.  Is dependent upon God’s purpose and grace, not human efforts.

2.  Is a part of God’s plan for eternity

3.  Makes eternal abundant life possible

Read II Tim 1:11-15

As Paul considered his impending persecution, he encouraged Timothy to remain loyal and unashamed of the gospel as he had been throughout his ministry.

Q. What three terms did Paul use to describe himself in V11?

Herald/preacher, apostle, and teacher

Paul then named two individuals-Phygellus and Hermogenes who apparently had not remained faithful and loyal to the gospel as they had deserted Paul in his hour of greatest need.

How the threat of suffering may cause some Christians to waver in their commitment?

Q. How can looking at the example of others who have remained steadfast in their loyalty to Christ help us to be loyal to Him?

Unfailing Love couple

Read II Tim 1:16-18

In contrast to the two individuals who had deserted Paul, one person was commended for supporting and ministering to Paul during his final Roman imprisonment.

All we know about Onesiphorus is found in these verses and II Tim 4:19

Q. How did Onesiphorus minister to Paul during his imprisonment? (refreshed, was not ahamed, searched, found, helped)

Onesiphorus made the effort to minister to Paul although he knew that there would be very little Paul could do to repay him. He set an example for all of us.

Identify who has been an Onesiphorus-type encourager to you.

Q. Who can you encourage? In what ways?

Q. What are examples of contemporary situation in which you may be tempted to be ashamed of the gospel?

Even today many Christians throughout the world are facing persecution and suffering as a result of their faith in Christ. Still, they remain loyal.

Iranian Pastor

What are the four Scripture headings from today’s study?

Write on board the verses. Ask class to fill in the blanks

II Tim 1:3-8         Remember your spiritual heritage

II Tim 1:9-10       Remember the Greatness of Salvation

II Tim 1:11-15    Follow those who are unashamed

II Tim 1:16-18    Support those who are unashamed

What are some practical steps we can take to remain faithful to Christ despite any negative consequences?

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