God commands us to honor our parents (Exodus 2:12; Ephesians 6:2-3; Colossians 3:20). How can we do so? Here are some examples-
Examples on honoring live parents:
Accept them
Believe in them and be loyal and faithful to them
Care for them
Do good to them
Encourage them
Forgive them
Grow in Christ under their authority
Honor and help them as much as they need
Imitate their virtues and qualities
Joyfully serve them
Know and appreciate them
Learn from them and love them
Mourn with them when they mourn
Never despise or mock or mistreat them
Obey them under God
Pray for them
Quarrel not with them as far as possible
Respect and revere them
Support and serve them wholeheartedly.
Treat them well
Uphold and uplift them
Value them
Wait upon them patiently
Xcel to their honor
Yield to them in Christ
Zoom in on their qualities and strengths, not their weaknesses
Examples on honoring deceased parents:
Appreciate their past lives
Be thankful and grateful for them
Celebrate their lives and cherish the good sweet memories
Defend their reputation
Execute their will as promptly as possible
Follow their good legacy
Grow on in Christ
Honor their names
Improve upon their achievements, if possible
Just let go and release any past unresolved conflicts to God
Keep not any record of their wrong but forgive completely
Learn from their past mistakes as well as their successes
Move on forward in life
Never forsake their memory
Openly speak well of them
Press on in Christ even without them with you
Quit living in the past
Remember them affectionately
Respect and revere their names
Support their good causes, if possible
Turn any past hurt over to Christ
Uphold their names and reputation
Visit their graves from time to time, if possible
Wallow not in grief forever but wake up to reality and life here
Xcel to their honor and reputation
Yield to Christ until He reunites you and them in Heaven
Zoom in on God who created your parents too
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