When we are born again in Christ Jesus (John 3:3), we are transferred
from being.../to being...
Praise, honor and glory to the Lord!
This blog is to praise, honor, and glorify God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So be it! Amen.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Our translation from the kingdom of darkness to The Kingdom of Light
When we are born-again in Christ Jesus (John 3:3), we are translated from being.../to being...
From being.../ to being...
Accused/ Acquitted
Bankrupt/ Blessed
Cursed/ Crowned
Damned/ Distinct
Empty/ Enriched
Fearful/ Faith-filled
Greedy/ Grateful
Hellish / Heavenly
Ignorant/ Illuminated
Jumpy/ Joyful
Knocked-out/ Knowing
Lost/ Loved
Merciless/ Merciful
Naughty/ Nice
Obstinate/ Obedient
Poor/ Prosperous
Quarrelsome/ Quickened
Rough/ Real
Soulish/ Sacred
Trashy/ Trustworthy
Unbelieving/ United
Vain/ Virtuous
Wicked/ Worthy
X-rated/ X-cellent
Yelling/ Yielded
Zany/ Zealous
Praise, Honor, and Glory to God!
From being.../ to being...
Accused/ Acquitted
Bankrupt/ Blessed
Cursed/ Crowned
Damned/ Distinct
Empty/ Enriched
Fearful/ Faith-filled
Greedy/ Grateful
Hellish / Heavenly
Ignorant/ Illuminated
Jumpy/ Joyful
Knocked-out/ Knowing
Lost/ Loved
Merciless/ Merciful
Naughty/ Nice
Obstinate/ Obedient
Poor/ Prosperous
Quarrelsome/ Quickened
Rough/ Real
Soulish/ Sacred
Trashy/ Trustworthy
Unbelieving/ United
Vain/ Virtuous
Wicked/ Worthy
X-rated/ X-cellent
Yelling/ Yielded
Zany/ Zealous
Praise, Honor, and Glory to God!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Quelques-unes de nos bénédictions en Christ!
Voici quelques-unes de nos bénédictions en Christ:
Maitrise de soi
Nouveauté de vie
Gloire et louange à Dieu!
Maitrise de soi
Nouveauté de vie
Gloire et louange à Dieu!
Some of our blessings in Christ
Here are some of our blessings in Christ:
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all!
Extraordinary virgin birth of Emmanuel, God with us
Real everlasting salvation He has brought for us
Round about two thousand years ago now
Yes, Merry Christmas!
Christ was born to die for us
His blood was shed on the cross to
Redeem us from sin, death, and Hell
Isn't it amazing grace?
Such a sacrifice for us
To make us God's children and heirs.
May we worship and adore Him
As we meditate on Christmas.
Savior of Humankind, we love, worship and adore You!
Extraordinary virgin birth of Emmanuel, God with us
Real everlasting salvation He has brought for us
Round about two thousand years ago now
Yes, Merry Christmas!
Christ was born to die for us
His blood was shed on the cross to
Redeem us from sin, death, and Hell
Isn't it amazing grace?
Such a sacrifice for us
To make us God's children and heirs.
May we worship and adore Him
As we meditate on Christmas.
Savior of Humankind, we love, worship and adore You!
Joyeux Noël!
Joyeux Noël!
O Monde entier!
Y-a t-il quelqu'un qui ne connait pas Jésus Christ?
Eternel est Son Amour!
Unissons-nous tous en Lui
Xclamons Sa grandeur, Son pardon et Son amour partout
Noël, oui, Joyeux Noël!
O Monde entier!
Exprimons notre joie et reconnaissance envers Notre Sauveur
L'Homme-Dieu et Le Dieu-Homme
O Monde entier!
Y-a t-il quelqu'un qui ne connait pas Jésus Christ?
Eternel est Son Amour!
Unissons-nous tous en Lui
Xclamons Sa grandeur, Son pardon et Son amour partout
Noël, oui, Joyeux Noël!
O Monde entier!
Exprimons notre joie et reconnaissance envers Notre Sauveur
L'Homme-Dieu et Le Dieu-Homme
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2011!
A tous nos frères et soeurs en Christ
Bénis soyez vous tous!
Célébrons joyeusement et avec allégresse
Dieu Le Fils
Envoyé de Dieu, Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous
Fêtons La Noël, fréres et soeurs
Grands et Petits.
Hosanna au plus haut des cieux!
Immortel est Notre Seigneur et Sauveur!
Jésus Christ! O Jésus, O Jésus
King of kings
Lord of lords, dit-on en Anglais
Miséricordieux et compatissant est
Notre Ami fidèle et tendre
O Jésus, O Jésus, O Jésus!
Prince de Paix!
Quelque soit notre couleur, culture, langue, et nation
Réjouissons-nous toujours en Christ!
Saint est Notre Seigneur et Sauveur!
Tout genou fléchira et toute langue confessera qu'IL est Seigneur!
Unissons-nous en Lui!
Veillons et prions
Week-end et jours de semaine
Xclamons notre foi en Lui, Notre seul vrai Dieu!
Y-a-t-il autre meilleur Chemin, Vérité, et Vie que Jésus Christ?
Zut! Non.
Bénis soyez vous tous!
Célébrons joyeusement et avec allégresse
Dieu Le Fils
Envoyé de Dieu, Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous
Fêtons La Noël, fréres et soeurs
Grands et Petits.
Hosanna au plus haut des cieux!
Immortel est Notre Seigneur et Sauveur!
Jésus Christ! O Jésus, O Jésus
King of kings
Lord of lords, dit-on en Anglais
Miséricordieux et compatissant est
Notre Ami fidèle et tendre
O Jésus, O Jésus, O Jésus!
Prince de Paix!
Quelque soit notre couleur, culture, langue, et nation
Réjouissons-nous toujours en Christ!
Saint est Notre Seigneur et Sauveur!
Tout genou fléchira et toute langue confessera qu'IL est Seigneur!
Unissons-nous en Lui!
Veillons et prions
Week-end et jours de semaine
Xclamons notre foi en Lui, Notre seul vrai Dieu!
Y-a-t-il autre meilleur Chemin, Vérité, et Vie que Jésus Christ?
Zut! Non.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011
All our brothers and sisters in Christ
Blessings to you
Christ's birthday celebration is very close
Do look forward to celebrate
Emmanuel-God with us!
For He is worthy
Great is He!
He is the Way, the truth and the Life! (John 14:6)
In Him is eternal abundant life and Heaven!
Jesus, O Jesus! Jesus, O Jesus!
King of kings,
Lord of lords!
Majesty, worship His Majesty!
No other name can save us from sin, death, and Hell.
O, be still and know that Jesus Christ IS God!
Prince of Peace Is He!
Quit every other god and follow Him!
Real and True is He!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us as we follow Him!
Truth and wisdom, He imparts unto us, His children
Unless we trust and obey Him, we will be doomed forever!
Verily, we must be born again (John 3:3) to enter God's Kingdom.
Wishing all dear ones
Xcellent health and prosperity!
Yes, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Two
Zero One One (2011)!
Blessings to you
Christ's birthday celebration is very close
Do look forward to celebrate
Emmanuel-God with us!
For He is worthy
Great is He!
He is the Way, the truth and the Life! (John 14:6)
In Him is eternal abundant life and Heaven!
Jesus, O Jesus! Jesus, O Jesus!
King of kings,
Lord of lords!
Majesty, worship His Majesty!
No other name can save us from sin, death, and Hell.
O, be still and know that Jesus Christ IS God!
Prince of Peace Is He!
Quit every other god and follow Him!
Real and True is He!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us as we follow Him!
Truth and wisdom, He imparts unto us, His children
Unless we trust and obey Him, we will be doomed forever!
Verily, we must be born again (John 3:3) to enter God's Kingdom.
Wishing all dear ones
Xcellent health and prosperity!
Yes, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Two
Zero One One (2011)!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Honoring our parents
God commands us to honor our parents (Exodus 2:12; Ephesians 6:2-3; Colossians 3:20). How can we do so? Here are some examples-
Examples on honoring live parents:
Accept them
Believe in them and be loyal and faithful to them
Care for them
Do good to them
Encourage them
Forgive them
Grow in Christ under their authority
Honor and help them as much as they need
Imitate their virtues and qualities
Joyfully serve them
Know and appreciate them
Learn from them and love them
Mourn with them when they mourn
Never despise or mock or mistreat them
Obey them under God
Pray for them
Quarrel not with them as far as possible
Respect and revere them
Support and serve them wholeheartedly.
Treat them well
Uphold and uplift them
Value them
Wait upon them patiently
Xcel to their honor
Yield to them in Christ
Zoom in on their qualities and strengths, not their weaknesses
Examples on honoring deceased parents:
Appreciate their past lives
Be thankful and grateful for them
Celebrate their lives and cherish the good sweet memories
Defend their reputation
Execute their will as promptly as possible
Follow their good legacy
Grow on in Christ
Honor their names
Improve upon their achievements, if possible
Just let go and release any past unresolved conflicts to God
Keep not any record of their wrong but forgive completely
Learn from their past mistakes as well as their successes
Move on forward in life
Never forsake their memory
Openly speak well of them
Press on in Christ even without them with you
Quit living in the past
Remember them affectionately
Respect and revere their names
Support their good causes, if possible
Turn any past hurt over to Christ
Uphold their names and reputation
Visit their graves from time to time, if possible
Wallow not in grief forever but wake up to reality and life here
Xcel to their honor and reputation
Yield to Christ until He reunites you and them in Heaven
Zoom in on God who created your parents too
Examples on honoring live parents:
Accept them
Believe in them and be loyal and faithful to them
Care for them
Do good to them
Encourage them
Forgive them
Grow in Christ under their authority
Honor and help them as much as they need
Imitate their virtues and qualities
Joyfully serve them
Know and appreciate them
Learn from them and love them
Mourn with them when they mourn
Never despise or mock or mistreat them
Obey them under God
Pray for them
Quarrel not with them as far as possible
Respect and revere them
Support and serve them wholeheartedly.
Treat them well
Uphold and uplift them
Value them
Wait upon them patiently
Xcel to their honor
Yield to them in Christ
Zoom in on their qualities and strengths, not their weaknesses
Examples on honoring deceased parents:
Appreciate their past lives
Be thankful and grateful for them
Celebrate their lives and cherish the good sweet memories
Defend their reputation
Execute their will as promptly as possible
Follow their good legacy
Grow on in Christ
Honor their names
Improve upon their achievements, if possible
Just let go and release any past unresolved conflicts to God
Keep not any record of their wrong but forgive completely
Learn from their past mistakes as well as their successes
Move on forward in life
Never forsake their memory
Openly speak well of them
Press on in Christ even without them with you
Quit living in the past
Remember them affectionately
Respect and revere their names
Support their good causes, if possible
Turn any past hurt over to Christ
Uphold their names and reputation
Visit their graves from time to time, if possible
Wallow not in grief forever but wake up to reality and life here
Xcel to their honor and reputation
Yield to Christ until He reunites you and them in Heaven
Zoom in on God who created your parents too
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Response to Our God
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
According to Ephesians 1-3, Christians have been
-chosen before the foundation of the world
-predestined to eternal abundant life
-adopted as God's beloved children
-redeemed from their sinful state
-forgiven of all their sins
-sealed with God's Holy Spirit
-made alive with Christ
-given victory over self, sin, Satan, and death
-seated with Christ in the heavens
-reconciled with God and with each other
-created for good works
-granted direct access to God Himself
-made God's dwelling place
-brought into Christ's new body, God's Church of Jews and Gentiles equally accepted in Christ
-made God's inheritance
-firmly rooted and established in God's love
Therefore, according to Ephesians 4-6, Christians ought to live a lifestyle that is worthy of the calling they have received from God. Their lifestyle should be characterized by:
-humility, gentleness, patience, acceptance, love, diligence, unity, peace, hope, and faith (Ephesians 4:1-6);
-grace and service (Ephesians 4:7-12);
-true knowledge, and true speech (in love) (Ephesians 4:13-16);
-avoidance of unholy, impure, immoral living but instead living in the light, purity, holiness and righteousness (Ephesians 4:17-24);
-truth, self-control, honesty, and purity of speech (Ephesians 4:25-29);
-kindness, compassion, and forgiveness (Ephesians 4:30-32);
-love (Ephesians 5:1-2);
-purity and thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:3-7);
-light, goodness, righteousness, truth (Ephesians 5:8-14);
-wisdom and carefulness (Ephesians 5:15-16);
-understanding what the Lord's will is (Ephesians 5:17);
-being filled with the Holy Spirit and gratitude (Ephesians 5:18-20);
-mutual submission in the fear of Christ (Ephesians 5:21);
-love and unity (Ephesians 5:22-33);
-respect, obedience, and honor (Ephesians 6:1-9);
-strong stand in Christ, and intercession (Ephesians 6:10-20)
"O Lord God, we pray that we will always abide in You so that Your Spirit in us would enable us to live the true genuine Christian lifestyle, which is our only appropriate response to Your marvelous salvation through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. In His Name, we pray. Amen."
According to Ephesians 1-3, Christians have been
-chosen before the foundation of the world
-predestined to eternal abundant life
-adopted as God's beloved children
-redeemed from their sinful state
-forgiven of all their sins
-sealed with God's Holy Spirit
-made alive with Christ
-given victory over self, sin, Satan, and death
-seated with Christ in the heavens
-reconciled with God and with each other
-created for good works
-granted direct access to God Himself
-made God's dwelling place
-brought into Christ's new body, God's Church of Jews and Gentiles equally accepted in Christ
-made God's inheritance
-firmly rooted and established in God's love
Therefore, according to Ephesians 4-6, Christians ought to live a lifestyle that is worthy of the calling they have received from God. Their lifestyle should be characterized by:
-humility, gentleness, patience, acceptance, love, diligence, unity, peace, hope, and faith (Ephesians 4:1-6);
-grace and service (Ephesians 4:7-12);
-true knowledge, and true speech (in love) (Ephesians 4:13-16);
-avoidance of unholy, impure, immoral living but instead living in the light, purity, holiness and righteousness (Ephesians 4:17-24);
-truth, self-control, honesty, and purity of speech (Ephesians 4:25-29);
-kindness, compassion, and forgiveness (Ephesians 4:30-32);
-love (Ephesians 5:1-2);
-purity and thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:3-7);
-light, goodness, righteousness, truth (Ephesians 5:8-14);
-wisdom and carefulness (Ephesians 5:15-16);
-understanding what the Lord's will is (Ephesians 5:17);
-being filled with the Holy Spirit and gratitude (Ephesians 5:18-20);
-mutual submission in the fear of Christ (Ephesians 5:21);
-love and unity (Ephesians 5:22-33);
-respect, obedience, and honor (Ephesians 6:1-9);
-strong stand in Christ, and intercession (Ephesians 6:10-20)
"O Lord God, we pray that we will always abide in You so that Your Spirit in us would enable us to live the true genuine Christian lifestyle, which is our only appropriate response to Your marvelous salvation through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. In His Name, we pray. Amen."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
In Christ, we are...
Dear brothers and sisters,
In Christ Jesus, we are:
Able and approachable
Beautiful and bountiful
Creative and courageous
Dutiful and dynamic
Effective and efficient
Forgiven and free
Grateful and gracious
Holy and hopeful
In the Holy Spirit and immortal
Justified and joyful
Kingdom-minded and kind
Lowly and loving
More than conquerors and merciful
New creation and never-ending
One and optimistic
Patient and persevering
Quietude-filled and quick
Rich and real
Srong and secure
True and trustworthy
Unique and unified
Verity-bound and valued
Washed in the Blood and worthy
Xcellent and xceptional
Yoked and yielded to Christ
Zealous and zestful
Praise, Honor, and Glory to God!
In Christ Jesus, we are:
Able and approachable
Beautiful and bountiful
Creative and courageous
Dutiful and dynamic
Effective and efficient
Forgiven and free
Grateful and gracious
Holy and hopeful
In the Holy Spirit and immortal
Justified and joyful
Kingdom-minded and kind
Lowly and loving
More than conquerors and merciful
New creation and never-ending
One and optimistic
Patient and persevering
Quietude-filled and quick
Rich and real
Srong and secure
True and trustworthy
Unique and unified
Verity-bound and valued
Washed in the Blood and worthy
Xcellent and xceptional
Yoked and yielded to Christ
Zealous and zestful
Praise, Honor, and Glory to God!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Onward, Forward and Upward in Christ
As born-again Christian believers, we are united in Christ
As a united body and army of the Living True God
Onward, forward and upward we move, never backward
Fighting the good fight of faith
Yes, united we stand, divided we fall
We represent the true unity in diversity
We are everywhere in Our Father's world
We are of various colors and cultures, ages and languages
We are men and women, boys and girls and children
We are the family of God, the universal Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
We have decided to follow the King of kings and the Lord of lords
No turning back, No turning back
The world behind us, the cross before us
No turning back, no turning back
Though no one joins us, still we'll follow
No turning back, no turning back
In the Name of Jesus, we have the victory
In the Name of Jesus, Satan has to flee
We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
Nothing is impossible to Our Mighty God!
Be still and know that He is God Almighty
Come, let us praise and adore Him
Come, let us bow down before Him
Majesty, worship His majesty
He is worthy of our praise and adoration
What a mighty God we serve
The angels bow before Him and adore Him
He, Jesus Christ, Our risen Lord is coming again
Soon and very soon, He will be back
Not as Savior this time but as the Judge of all humankind
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord
To the praise, honor and glory of Our Father God
Who shall rule and reign over the whole universe
Forever and evermore throughout eternity
O Come Lord Jesus, come
As a united body and army of the Living True God
Onward, forward and upward we move, never backward
Fighting the good fight of faith
Yes, united we stand, divided we fall
We represent the true unity in diversity
We are everywhere in Our Father's world
We are of various colors and cultures, ages and languages
We are men and women, boys and girls and children
We are the family of God, the universal Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
We have decided to follow the King of kings and the Lord of lords
No turning back, No turning back
The world behind us, the cross before us
No turning back, no turning back
Though no one joins us, still we'll follow
No turning back, no turning back
In the Name of Jesus, we have the victory
In the Name of Jesus, Satan has to flee
We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
Nothing is impossible to Our Mighty God!
Be still and know that He is God Almighty
Come, let us praise and adore Him
Come, let us bow down before Him
Majesty, worship His majesty
He is worthy of our praise and adoration
What a mighty God we serve
The angels bow before Him and adore Him
He, Jesus Christ, Our risen Lord is coming again
Soon and very soon, He will be back
Not as Savior this time but as the Judge of all humankind
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord
To the praise, honor and glory of Our Father God
Who shall rule and reign over the whole universe
Forever and evermore throughout eternity
O Come Lord Jesus, come
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
O Mauritius!
O Mauritius
O beloved island in the Indian Ocean
May God bless and keep you
May His love, joy and peace prevail all over you
May your people love their Creator and each other
May unity and harmony rule and reign over the whole population
Yes, Mauritius for Jesus!
The King of kings and
The Lord of lords!
Ensam en Christ, vers l'avenir en Christ!
O beloved island in the Indian Ocean
May God bless and keep you
May His love, joy and peace prevail all over you
May your people love their Creator and each other
May unity and harmony rule and reign over the whole population
Yes, Mauritius for Jesus!
The King of kings and
The Lord of lords!
Ensam en Christ, vers l'avenir en Christ!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Why trust in no other but Christ Jesus for eternal life and Heaven
We need to put our faith in Jesus Christ and none other because HE, Jesus Christ:
-was born of Virgin Mary
-was sinless
-was both fully man and fully God
-was perfect in character
-did all kinds of miracles
-healed the sick and raised the dead
-taught life truths with absolute authority
-loved us and even His enemies sacrificially unto death
-prayed to His Father to forgive His persecutors and killers
-died on the cross for our sins
-rose again on the Third Day
-ascended to Heaven
-is coming back
-is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to Father God except through Him (John 14:6)
-has transformed positively the lives of millions of people
-has answered the prayers of millions of people
-is incomparable, unique, and absolutely outstanding
-is the Living Word of God
-has accomplished all prophecies about Him
-witnesses to our spirits, hearts, and consciences
-has led, guided and directed millions and millions of souls
-is to us for good what none other can ever be.
May we all put our faith in Christ now and forevermore. Amen.
-was born of Virgin Mary
-was sinless
-was both fully man and fully God
-was perfect in character
-did all kinds of miracles
-healed the sick and raised the dead
-taught life truths with absolute authority
-loved us and even His enemies sacrificially unto death
-prayed to His Father to forgive His persecutors and killers
-died on the cross for our sins
-rose again on the Third Day
-ascended to Heaven
-is coming back
-is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to Father God except through Him (John 14:6)
-has transformed positively the lives of millions of people
-has answered the prayers of millions of people
-is incomparable, unique, and absolutely outstanding
-is the Living Word of God
-has accomplished all prophecies about Him
-witnesses to our spirits, hearts, and consciences
-has led, guided and directed millions and millions of souls
-is to us for good what none other can ever be.
May we all put our faith in Christ now and forevermore. Amen.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
In such a time as this
Dear brothers and sisters,
In such a time as this, we do not know what the future holds but we do know who holds the future. It is, of course, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let's trust in Him now and forevermore. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the Resurrection and the Life. We are nothing without Him. We can do nothing without Him. Through Him, we can do all things. Nothing is impossible to Him. All things are possible in Him.
Jesus Christ is the Holy God of the whole universe. He is the sovereign God of every tribe, people and nation.
Remember ye, forget ye not.
Fear not! Fear not! Fear not!
Honor Christ and He will honor you!
Bless you, dear brother!
Bless you, dear sister!
In Jesus Name, Amen.
In such a time as this, we do not know what the future holds but we do know who holds the future. It is, of course, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let's trust in Him now and forevermore. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the Resurrection and the Life. We are nothing without Him. We can do nothing without Him. Through Him, we can do all things. Nothing is impossible to Him. All things are possible in Him.
Jesus Christ is the Holy God of the whole universe. He is the sovereign God of every tribe, people and nation.
Remember ye, forget ye not.
Fear not! Fear not! Fear not!
Honor Christ and He will honor you!
Bless you, dear brother!
Bless you, dear sister!
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Lost and found!
I once was lost in ignorance, false religions, Self/flesh, the world, and sinfulness. Then one day, O glorious day, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ found and rescued me from Satan to God, from Hell to Heaven.
O Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I'm so happy and blessed and favored. I enjoy the eternal abundant life that My Creator designed for me. I rejoice in My Lord now and forevermore.
All praise, honor, and glory be to My God!
O Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I'm so happy and blessed and favored. I enjoy the eternal abundant life that My Creator designed for me. I rejoice in My Lord now and forevermore.
All praise, honor, and glory be to My God!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Because He Lives...
Because Jesus Christ is risen and lives forevermore
We, who are born again in Him have a living hope
We have eternal abundant life through Him
We will enjoy and experience eternal bliss and felicity in Heaven
Together with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
The angels, and all the saints of all times
And our dear beloved ones overthere.
Because Jesus Christ is risen and lives forevermore
We, who are born again in Him have victory
Over sin, self, Satan, the world and death
We have the power to love, forgive, bear loss, pain and suffering
Through the Holy Spirit indwelling us
We can endure trials and temptations and
We overcome them through Christ Our lord and Savior
Because Jesus Christ is risen and lives forevermore
We who are born again in Him are more than conquerors!
We are anointed, favored and blessed!
We are a blessing to God, to our family and friends!
All praise, honor and glory be to God and Our risen Savior!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Amen and amen.
We, who are born again in Him have a living hope
We have eternal abundant life through Him
We will enjoy and experience eternal bliss and felicity in Heaven
Together with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
The angels, and all the saints of all times
And our dear beloved ones overthere.
Because Jesus Christ is risen and lives forevermore
We, who are born again in Him have victory
Over sin, self, Satan, the world and death
We have the power to love, forgive, bear loss, pain and suffering
Through the Holy Spirit indwelling us
We can endure trials and temptations and
We overcome them through Christ Our lord and Savior
Because Jesus Christ is risen and lives forevermore
We who are born again in Him are more than conquerors!
We are anointed, favored and blessed!
We are a blessing to God, to our family and friends!
All praise, honor and glory be to God and Our risen Savior!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Amen and amen.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friends, let's take heed!
The Haiti earthquake has shocked the whole world but not Our God. Nothing takes Our God by surprise. He knew everything beforehand. He is omniscient. We are to learn whatever lessons we can learn from this great tragedy that occurred a few days ago. May we sympathize and empathize with and pray for all the victims' families and loved ones.
The lessons that we have been reminded of are the following, among others:
-Human life is fragile. It’s like a mist or vapor. It can disappear suddenly, overnight (James 4:14).
-We must make sure we are ready to die anytime, to enter eternity at any moment, to face Our God at a moment notice (Hebrews 9:27).
-It is absolutely vital to be born again in Jesus Christ to ensure our eternal security, our place in Heaven throughout eternity (John 3:3, 7).
Let us plead with you to make sure that you’ve repented of your sins and received Jesus Christ as Your personal Lord and Savior (John 3:16).
For those of us who are already in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, may we actively share His Good news of the Gospel to others while we still can, before it is too late. (John 3:16; 14:6)
Thank you. God loves you. So do we.
The lessons that we have been reminded of are the following, among others:
-Human life is fragile. It’s like a mist or vapor. It can disappear suddenly, overnight (James 4:14).
-We must make sure we are ready to die anytime, to enter eternity at any moment, to face Our God at a moment notice (Hebrews 9:27).
-It is absolutely vital to be born again in Jesus Christ to ensure our eternal security, our place in Heaven throughout eternity (John 3:3, 7).
Let us plead with you to make sure that you’ve repented of your sins and received Jesus Christ as Your personal Lord and Savior (John 3:16).
For those of us who are already in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, may we actively share His Good news of the Gospel to others while we still can, before it is too late. (John 3:16; 14:6)
Thank you. God loves you. So do we.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
May 2010 be...
January 02, 2010
Dear God,
We pray that Your Name be always glorified and blessed in our midst. O Lord God, may the year 2010 be a year when we, Your people, wherever we are:
-live out the agape life that You desire us to live out
-stand boldly and faithfully for Your absolute truths
-share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ
-excel in our various duties and responsibilities
-trust and obey You, no matter what, where, and when
-pray, study Your Word, fellowship and reach out to others
-stay united in Your Truth and Love
-show thankfulness and gratitude to You and towards each other
-remind ourselves that we are just passing by upon earth and are on our way towards eternity in Heaven
-bless one another
-enjoy God’s divine presence, provision and protection
-experience divine health, wisdom, anointing, favor and prosperity
Praise, honor, and glory be unto You, O God. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Dear God,
We pray that Your Name be always glorified and blessed in our midst. O Lord God, may the year 2010 be a year when we, Your people, wherever we are:
-live out the agape life that You desire us to live out
-stand boldly and faithfully for Your absolute truths
-share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ
-excel in our various duties and responsibilities
-trust and obey You, no matter what, where, and when
-pray, study Your Word, fellowship and reach out to others
-stay united in Your Truth and Love
-show thankfulness and gratitude to You and towards each other
-remind ourselves that we are just passing by upon earth and are on our way towards eternity in Heaven
-bless one another
-enjoy God’s divine presence, provision and protection
-experience divine health, wisdom, anointing, favor and prosperity
Praise, honor, and glory be unto You, O God. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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