
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If everyone becomes Christlike...

Imagine that everyone has been born again in the Spirit of Christ and is living a Christlike (agape) life. Our world would be so different from what it is now. The world would be filled with:

acceptance, adoration, agape, appreciation,
balance, beauty, blessings, 
compassion, courtesy, creativity, 
efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness, 
faithfulness, forgiveness, favor, 
generosity, gentleness, Godliness, goodness, grace, gratitude, 
happiness, harmony, holiness, humility, 
integrity, intelligence, intercession, 
joy, justice, 
kindness, knowledge, 
long-suffering, love, 
order, orderliness, 
prayers, praise, patience, peace, perseverance, piety, politeness, power, prosperity, purity, 
quickening of the spirits
role models of Christlikeness
sacrificial giving, servanthood, skillfulness, support, 
talents, thanksgiving, 
unity, understanding, 
values, vision, 
wisdom, worship, 
yieldedness to God, 
zeal, and zest.

To have a world filled with such blessed Christlikeness, we got first to be born again in Christ (John 3:3,7) and obey His Word, the Bible! 

Let's do it!
So help us, God. Amen.

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