
Saturday, October 27, 2012


I love God and His Holy Word, the Bible, and I love you all in Christ Jesus, My Lord and Savior. 

So, I have decided to stand up and speak up for God and His Word for the rest of my life. 

I will therefore always vote for biblical values in any election anywhere. I pray and hope that you will do the same wherever you are.

Unto God alone be all the praise, honor and glory now and forever and evermore. Amen.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Long Live!

Long live

Agape and All children of God!

Bible, the Holy Word of God!

Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Long live

Disciples of Jesus Christ!

Excellence in Christ!

Faith and Freedom in Christ!

Long live

Godliness and Christlikeness!

Holiness, Honesty, and Humility!

Integrity and Morality!

Long live

Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior!

King of kings!

Lord of Lords!

Long live

Martyrs in Christ!

New babies in Christ!

Oneness in Christ!

Long live

Peace, hope and love in Christ!

Quest for Truth!

Righteousness and Rest in Christ!

Long live

Saved souls in Christ!

Truths of God's Word!

Unity in Christ!

Long live

Victory in Jesus!

Worship and will of God!

Xcellence in Christ!

Long live

Youth in Christ!

Zest and Zeal in Christ!

Amen and Amen!