
Monday, March 28, 2011

Our message to you, friend, with love

Greetings to you all, dear friends!

We hope that you are all fine. As we are approaching the Easter season, we must tell you something. We want to share with you before it is too late! We never know. Only God knows what will happen tomorrow. Thank you for your time and patience. Here it is:

Jesus Christ is the Truth. Knowing Jesus Christ is knowing the Truth. This Truth will set you free. You will be set free from ignorance, darkness, and bondage. You will be set free from unrighteousness, impurity, and immorality. You will be set free from pride, prejudice, and arrogance. You will be set free from lies, deceit, and hypocrisy. You will be set free from sin, Satan and death (I Corinthians 15:55-57). Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!
Believe that He is God
Believe in His virgin birth, miracles, teachings, and crucifixion
Believe in His resurrection, ascension, sovereign authority, and His return.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!

You'll experience the Way, the Truth, and the Life
You'll understand where you came from, who you are, and where you are going
You'll see what life, death, Heaven, and Hell are really about
You'll enjoy true love, joy, and peace
You'll experience true knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom
You'll live in true freedom

Believe and see!

This is the greatest of all victories ever! Everyone in the whole wide world must hear and know about it! It is a victory far superior to any other victory in history. It is very far above any victory in any election, world cup, Olympic games, or field of research. It is the victory of victories! It is the victory of Truth over lies; Peace over violence; agape love over hatred. It is the victory over the flesh, over the world (John 16:33), over evil (I John 3:8), over sin (Romans 6:23; 7:24-25), over Satan and demons (I John 3:8), and over death (I Corinthians 15:26, 55, 57). It is the victory won at Calvary two thousand years ago, on a cross between two thieves at Golgotha. This victory has been won for you and me (John 3:16; I John 3:16; I John 5:5) when Jesus Christ was killed on that rugged cross as if He was the vilest criminal, He, the Holy, Humble, and Innocent One!

Friend, if you are asking how could that be called a victory, understand that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not stay dead. On the third day, He rose again as He foretold He would.

He has risen! He was resurrected!
He is alive!
He is God!
He is The second Person of the Holy Trinity!
He is now seated at the right hand of Father God!

Celebrate Jesus, yes, celebrate Him
Today and everyday forevermore!

Happy oncoming Resurrection Day celebration!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Believe and see!

Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!
Believe that He is God
Believe in His virgin birth, miracles, teachings, and crucifixion
Believe in His resurrection, ascension, and return.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you'll see!

You'll experience the Way, the Truth, and the Life
You'll understand your past, present, and future
You'll see what life, death, Heaven, and Hell are really about
You'll enjoy true love, joy, and peace
You'll experience true knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom
You'll live in true freedom

Believe and see!

The Victory of victories!

This is the greatest of all victories ever! Everyone in the whole wide world must hear and know about it! It is a victory far superior to any other victory in History. It is very far above any victory in any national election, world cup, Olympic games, or field of research. It is the victory of victories! It is the victory of Truth over lies; Peace over violence; agape love over hatred. It is the victory over the flesh, over the world (John 16:33), over evil (I John 3:8), over sin (Romans 6:23; 7:24-25); over Satan and demons (I John 3:8), and over death (I Corinthians 15:26, 55, 57). It is the victory won at Calvary two thousand years ago, on a cross between two thieves at Golgotha. This victory has been won for you and me (John 3:16; I John 3:16; I John 5:5) when Jesus Christ was killed on that rugged cross as if He was the vilest criminal, He, the Holy, Humble, and Innocent One!

If you are asking how could the death of someone be called a victory?  Friend, Our Lord Jesus Christ did not stay dead. On the Third day, He rose again as He foretold He would.

He has risen! He was resurrected!
He is alive!
He is God!
He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity!
He is now seated at the right hand of Father God!

Celebrate Jesus, yes, celebrate Him
Today and everyday forevermore!

Happy oncoming Resurrection Day celebration!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Father and the Son are ONE

Last Sunday, at the end of my teaching on Philippians 1:27-2:11, a brother came up to me to ask about 2:11 which says: "and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father". He was asking, how is it to the glory of the Father, when Jesus and the Father are coequal? God gave me the answer right away in my heart.

The answer is:

It is to the glory of God the Father, to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is the Father's will, that all men should honor the Son as they honor the Father. In John 5:23 (King James Version), it says:
"That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him."

The Father and the Son are ONE. They are united. They are in unity. When One is uplifted and glorified, the Other One is, too. It is a mutual uplifting or honoring or glorification. And the brother was satisfied. Praise Our Lord!

Now, following this, what do you think will happen to the Father or the Son, when One or the Other is dishonored or blasphemed or mocked or rejected? I believe that when we reject Christ, we are rejecting the Father too. When One is grieved, the Other is too. When we blaspheme Father God, when we dishonor Him, we are blaspheming and dishonoring the Son too. I may add, the Holy Spirit as well. In fact, they are Three in One- the Holy Trinity, the Triune God. When One is dishonored, the other Two are as well. And when we obey One,we are obeying the Triune God Himself.

We must never try to dissociate them. They are just ONE! (John 10:30)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

To live is Christ, to die is gain.

In the book of Philippians, chapter 1, verse 21, we see the struggle (French: embarras du choix) of our elder brother, the Apostle Paul. He said, " For me to live is Christ, to die is gain". For him personally, it would be much more beneficial to die and be with Our Lord, rather than under house arrest. However, he was not putting his own interest first, but the interest of the Philippian brethren. The latter would benefit more through Paul staying alive and sharing God's wonderful Word and instructions to them. So, Paul was content to suffer for Christ and remain alive sharing His Gospel until God chooses the perfect timing for his departure to Heaven. Thanks to the apostle's obedience and submission to Our God, today, we can learn from and enjoy all his letters and epistles of eternal value.

I also want to be able to say sincerely everyday, like Saint Paul, " For me to live is Christ and to die is gain". I want to be like Our Lord, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked Father God if He could avoid this ultimate suffering on the cross, nevertheless, "Not My will, but Yours be done". So be it, Lord. Amen.

Apostle Paul has joined the cloud of witnesses that the Bible talks about in Hebrews 12:1. May we, Brothers and Sisters, throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, so that Apostle Paul, the saints, the angels, and Our Triune God may all be pleased with and rejoice over us in Heaven.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can we live up to the Gospel?

According to Philippians 1:27, we are to live up to the Gospel. How can you and I do that?

Let us humbly ask Our Lord Himself to help us live a life worthy of His Gospel.

"O God, please lead and guide us Yourself to become:
humble, holy, pure, genuine, true, sincere, honest, loving, kind, considerate, compassionate, obedient, just, diligent, wise, disciplined, prayerful, courageous, bold, faithful, trustworthy, thankful, grateful, patient, persevering, appreciative, respectful, brave, loyal, discerning, good, dutiful, gentle, polite, caring, useful, helpful, self-controlled, and united in Christ Jesus Our Lord.
Yes, Lord, May You mold us to become godly and Christlike throughout the rest of our lives. Let us be what You have designed us to be!

O God, we also ask that You lead and guide us to do what You want us to do for the rest of our lives. May we faithfully:

-do our jobs/ministries in the spirit of Christ
-help, support and care for each other
-give as You direct us
-preach and teach Your Word faithfully
-do works of charity
-practice hospitality
-serve whoever, whenever and wherever

O God, May our BEING and our DOING please, honor and glorify You now and forever. Amen."

Thursday, March 10, 2011


"The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good" Proverbs 15:3


Imagine Our Father God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the angels watching us from Heaven every moment. They witness our every move. (Hebrews 12:1)

Will they be pleased?
Will they be proud?
Will they be honored by us?
Will God be glorified?
Are we living as we are supposed to?
Are we loving God and each other?
Are we obeying God and practicing His Word?
Are we upholding the Truth in Love?
Have we forgiven those who have sinned against us?
Have we repented of our sins?
Have we made restitution accordingly?

"O Lord God, please have mercy and grace upon us! Amen."

May God and all His precious ones in Heaven bear witness to our Christlike lifestyle here on earth!

Christlike living is characterized by agape, divine love (I John 4:16). agape is patient and kind. It does not envy, boast; it  is not proud, rude, self-seeking, easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. agape does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. agape never fails. (I Corinthians 13:4-8)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Day of the Lord shall come!

We, the children of God, declare that the Day shall come when:

Holy peace, love and joy
Holy truth, righteousness and justice
True brotherhood, fellowship and communion
Unity, harmony and oneness in Christ shall prevail!

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord!

All wickedness, evil and sin shall be uprooted and eradicated,
All the Christian martyrs of all times shall rise up, be vindicated, honored and crowned,
All the enemies of Our Holy Lord God shall be cast out into Hell!

Good shall prevail over evil absolutely,
Gentleness, humility and meekness shall prevail over pride, vanity and arrogance.

Jesus Christ, Our Lord shall return to rule and reign over the entire world in power and glory!

Every country, nation, tribe and people shall acknowledge the Holy living God of the Bible!

God's enemy, Satan, the devil and all his demons shall be banished in the lake of eternal fire forever and ever!

There shall be no more:

False teachings and religions, lies and deceits, hypocrisy and prejudice, envy and covetousness, corruption and perversion, adultery and prostitution, impurity and immorality, unfaithfulness and betrayal, divorce and broken hearts, hatred and division, illiteracy and ignorance, poverty and misery, violence and crime, wars and famines, pain and suffering, sickness and death, mourning and crying, iniquity and sin.

We, the children of God, declare that the Day shall come when:

Light shall dispel all darkness, and God's Family shall be reunited. We will see each other again in Heaven, and enjoy pure bliss and felicity forever and ever throughout eternity. We will be with Jesus Christ, Our Father God, the Holy Spirit, the angels of God and all the saints of all times forever and evermore!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Amen and amen!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ce que nous avons en Jésus Christ!

Rappelons-nous encore une fois ce que nous avons en Jésus Christ, Notre Seigneur et Sauveur:

Amour et Authenticité
Bénédictions et Bonté
Compassion et Compréhension
Droiture et Dynamisme
Espérance et Efficacité
Foi et Force
Générosité et Gentillesse
Humilité et Hardiesse
Intégrité et Illumination
Joie et Justice
'K'onnaisance et 'K'ommunion
Lumière et Lucidité
Modération et Modestie
Nouvelle Naissance et Noblesse
Objectivité et Originalité
Paix et Puissance
Quiétude et Qualité
Repos et Réalisme
Salut et Sagesse
Tranquilité et Transparence
Unité et Union
Vérité et Valeur
'X'cellence et 'X'ceptionalité
Zèle et 'Z'oie
