
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lesson from 2 Kings 17

Last Sunday, I taught on 2 Kings 17. The main lesson which I found was God is not a God that we can mock. He does not tolerate our hypocrisy forever. We cannot pretend to be His disciples. We cannot say we follow the Lord but our actions and deeds are contrary to His Word and Will.

God expects us to repent of our sins and obey Him promptly. If we don't, we will face His judgment and suffer His punishment like the disobedient hypocritical Israelites did in the book of 2 Kings 17.

"O Lord God, please have mercy upon us. Forgive us our sins. Reveal to us our secret sins and may we repent promptly and thoroughly. We want to obey you, O Lord. So, help us, God. Amen."